Excellent. Just look around for a table with a flier on it. The flier has a big lambda symbol on it. We'll most likely *not* be in the back room. It's pretty easy to spot programmers though heh. -Rudolf On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 1:44 PM, abram hindle < abram.hindle@softwareprocess.us> wrote:
Fox & Fiddle on Bloor at 6pm tonight?
I plan to be there.
Rudolf wrote:
There's an unofficial meetup on the 1st of May which is the first Thursday of the month, at the Fox & Fiddle of course. Show up if you like, there will probably be just a few people showing up. The next official meetup will be in June, on the 5th.
-Rudolf _______________________________________________ toronto-lisp mailing list toronto-lisp@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/toronto-lisp
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