At the last meeting I recommended Seibel's Practical Common Lisp. I should qualify that recommendation. I am now augmenting my study by going methodically through Graham's ANSI Common Lisp. Doing the exercises has been invaluable to me. So, I would recommend Graham's book for those who are beginning with CL. However, had I only used Graham's book I may have become bored with the simple examples, since I am not a beginner at programming generally. I also have the books listed below, either in hardcopy or digital form. Should I also consider looking at The Little Schemer and related works? What about Doug Hoyte's book? I recognize that a surfeit of textbooks does not guaranty progress. Rest assured that I am actually programming in CL too. Basic Lisp Techniques (Cooper) Common Lisp An Interactive Approach (Shapiro) Common Lisp A Gentle Approach to Symbolic Computation (Touretzky) On Lisp (Graham) Successful Lisp (Lamkins) Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Lisp in Small Pieces (Queinnec) The Art of the Metaobject Protocol (Kiczales et al) - Dave -