December meeting minutes. attendees: Leo, Paul, Vish, Bryce, Andre, Reggie some topics: - Dynamic Languages debate next week at GTALUG meeting * I will represent Lisp, Andre is representing Erlang - MIT 6.001 course: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - SHRDLU symbolic AI program - AI winter - CMUCL vs SBCL - Clojure persistent data structures - differences between Common Lisp and Scheme, philosophies - Google AI challenge, Lisp winner - SBCL windows port, reasonably usable - Rich Hickey's talks, infoq.com - how to teach programming to children * have them build a processor on their own * use Javascript, Ruby * use Land of Lisp - paradox: too much choice leads to frustration * a barrier to Lisp adoption? too many ways to solve problems: imperative, functional, OO, create a DSL * precise definition of a DSL, what does it mean in practice? - QuickLisp: a revolution over ASDF Paul suggested that next month's meeting should be focused on Clojure. Would anyone like to present something Clojure-related? (To Paul: the email I sent you has the subject line "Re: Learning material for state machines, and other VF concepts" and referenced the paper "Crash-Only Software". Please check if you received it or if it disappeared again, thanks.) Vish On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 11:14 PM, Vish Singh <vishvajitsingh@gmail.com> wrote:
The December meeting of the Toronto Lisp Users group is here! Brave the cold and meet your fellow Lispers.
Tuesday December 7, 2010 -- 6pm -- Linuxcaffe (for directions see http://www.lisptoronto.org/)