A bit of a follow-up to the meetup, I posted on the comp.lang.lispnewsgroup: The meetup was obviously a success. We had Gary Baumgartner make an appearance with 2-4 U of T Computer Science students. He mentioned some projects he had worked on and which are listed here: http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~gfb/projects/<http://www.cs.toronto.edu/%7Egfb/projects/>(But I can't seem to find a link to the Scheme-Python compiler/translator project.) One interesting thing Gary mentioned is creating a course that mixes both high- and low-level languages. From what I understood, you would be doing the Assembly homework during the week that you're learning the Python (or Scheme or whatever) that does roughly the same thing. We also had a Common Lisp user from Montreal (he's surrounded by Schemers there *shudder* right? :P) Quite the varied gathering. Oh, and I finally learned how to properly pronounce TeX and LaTeX. Just one more thing. Maybe we should get the ALU Wiki page for Toronto back in order? The URL is: http://wiki.alu.org/Toronto Oh and another thing. Keep bugging Gary and other Lispers to release code. Toss it and don't worry too much about how clean the code looks. -Rudolf Olah