Here we go. Sorry about taking so long to send it. If anyone doesn't know, its in org-mode. ------------------------- * Present Paul Jos'h Mark Leo Ravi * Discussion ** AutoLISP and its use in industrial programming *** John Walker - cofounder of Autodesk www.fourmilab.ch + Book: "The autodesk file" : Early history of Autodesk Required reading for software startups *** AutoCAD Electrical Program that automates making drawings for use in factories Nate Holt Lisp software. 250K lines of code. Only 2 programmers writing it. Said to always meet deadlines with fewer bugs than the competition. ** Clojure Why is it the most commercially used mostly-functional language? -> concurrency JVM good. Java bad. *** Datomic Immutable database by Rich Hickey Time-based queries + Helps with testing Interface language : Datalog ** Erlang Hot code-swapping isn't a feature. It just happens when you have tail-recursion and immutable state ** Programming in industry *** Bad onions One person makes a tool, and future programmers build filters upon them. Sometimes its best to just start over *** Authentication in industry + There is none + HP printers Its possible to update their firmware, turn them into zombies and attack an office with them. ** Reading material *** Fred Brooks Mythical man-month : no silver bullet : IT managers should read this *** Joel on Software http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/FiveWorlds.html * Projects ** Leo Erlang port of a 4chan-like image board Uses Erlang web-framework called Nitrogen : http://nitrogenproject.com/ Comet: protocol to keep http sessions alive