Any idea what's gone wrong??  Just trying to load asdf-install
CL-USER 1 > (load "c:/aa/asdf/asdf.lisp")
; Loading text file c:\aa\asdf\asdf.lisp
CL-USER 2 > (load "c:/aa/asdf-install/asdf-install/load-asdf-install.lisp")
; Loading text file c:\aa\asdf-install\asdf-install\load-asdf-install.lisp
;;; ASDF-INSTALL: Loading ASDF-INSTALL package from directory
;;;               "c:\aa\asdf-install\asdf-install\"
;  Loading text file c:\aa\asdf-install\asdf-install\defpackage.lisp
;  Loading text file c:\aa\asdf-install\asdf-install\port.lisp
; Loading C:\Program Files\LispWorks Personal\lib\6-0-0-0\load-on-demand\processes\comm-defsys.lisp on demand...
;; Creating system "COMM"
;   Loading text file C:\Program Files\LispWorks Personal\lib\6-0-0-0\load-on-demand\processes\comm-pkg.lisp
;   Loading fasl file C:\Program Files\LispWorks Personal\lib\6-0-0-0\load-on-demand\processes\sockets.ofasl
;   Loading fasl file C:\Program Files\LispWorks Personal\lib\6-0-0-0\load-on-demand\processes\ssl-constants.ofasl
;   Loading fasl file C:\Program Files\LispWorks Personal\lib\6-0-0-0\load-on-demand\processes\ssl-foreign-types.ofasl
;   Loading fasl file C:\Program Files\LispWorks Personal\lib\6-0-0-0\load-on-demand\processes\ssl.ofasl
;   Loading fasl file C:\Program Files\LispWorks Personal\lib\6-0-0-0\load-on-demand\processes\ssl-certs.ofasl
Error: Unmatched right parenthesis.
  1 (continue) Try loading ASDF-INSTALL-LIBRARY:port.lisp again.
  2 Give up loading ASDF-INSTALL-LIBRARY:port.lisp.
  3 Try loading another file instead of ASDF-INSTALL-LIBRARY:port.lisp.
  4 Try loading c:/aa/asdf-install/asdf-install/load-asdf-install.lisp again.
  5 Give up loading c:/aa/asdf-install/asdf-install/load-asdf-install.lisp.
  6 Try loading another file instead of c:/aa/asdf-install/asdf-install/load-asdf-install.lisp.
  7 (abort) Return to level 0.
  8 Return to top loop level 0.
Type :b for backtrace or :c <option number> to proceed.
Type :bug-form "<subject>" for a bug report template or :? for other options.

From: Leo Zovic []
Sent: 2010, November, 16 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: [toronto-lisp] toronto-lisp Digest, Vol 35, Issue 5

Not sure if it works the same on Lispworks, but in SBCL + Emacs/SLIME, you can target your library archive directly with ASDF instead of relying on the automated download.

In other words

(require 'asdf)
(require 'asdf-install)
(asdf-install:install "/path/to/your/cl-ppcre.tar.gz")

Obviously, you'll want to use the windows file path in place of that one. As long as the tarball has that asd file in it, it should work.

Now, for this library, you should just be able to do

(asdf-install:install 'cl-ppcre)

instead of getting your own download (this is probably what is meant by "the usual way"). cl-ppcre is well maintained, so ASDF should be able to handle the download for you unless the CLiki is down for whatever reason.


PS. I remember the first few weeks of learning Lisp. It was goddamn infuriating. If it's any consolation at all, the feeling passes once you get your bearings.

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 12:00 PM, <> wrote:
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Today's Topics:

  1. asdf / lispworks 6.0.1 personal edition question
     (Matijaca, Aleksandar)
  2. Re: asdf / lispworks 6.0.1 personal edition question
     (Brian Connoy)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 14:07:43 -0500
From: "Matijaca, Aleksandar" <>
Subject: [toronto-lisp] asdf / lispworks 6.0.1 personal edition
To: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Ok, so I downloaded the latest 6.0.1 Lispworks for windows, and I do not
see anywhere in
the gui even a mention of ASDF - there is no "button"...  On their web
site, they state that
they have ASDF integration in IDE - I don't see it.  The link in their
web pages takes me here:

To use ASDF in the LispWorks IDE:

1.      Load ASDF and some ASDF system definitions in the usual ASDF
2.      Load the file (example-file "misc/asdf-integration.lisp") .

>From the above: Load ASDF and some ASDF system definitions in the usual
ASDF way. (WTF, I
don't know what the "usual way" is...?)  What is the usual way????

Ok, so I ran the second line called (example-file ......  And I assume
that does something also,
although they don't say what....  Why is it called example-file???  What
is example-file?  What
kind of a function is that?

Ok, so, I also downloaded cl-ppcre-2.0.3 (I can't use quicklisp network
type installations
because I am at a bank, and they have serious firewalls preventing stuff
just like this).  So,
I downloaded this package, and I unzipped it, and I did notice that
there is amongst other
files a cl-ppcre.asd file (probably important).  So, this is what I

LispWorks 6.0.1 which is supposed to be already ASDF ready on Windows

Unzipped cl-ppcre-2.0.3

So, assuming that the whole thing is ASDF ready, how do I load up and

Why is this so friggin' frustrating - I just wanna code in Lisp, not
fight Lispworks and

Thanks, Alex.


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Message: 2
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 21:33:09 +0000
From: Brian Connoy <>
Subject: Re: [toronto-lisp] asdf / lispworks 6.0.1 personal edition
To: "" <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Here's a few quick replies.  I don't believe the personal edition permits the use of an init file, so for now you'll be doing things 'the hard way'.

*         Click the File->Load menu on the main LispWorks menu (or podium) and browse respectively to your "asdf.lisp" and "cl-ppcre.asd" files.

*         Load the asdf-integration as before.

*         On the menu/podium again, click the icon for the "System Browser".

*         The ASDF integration is not obvious.  Look along the right hand side of the System Browser for the three buttons, of a checkmark, an X and some question marks.  Click the question marks and you will be able to select from the available ASDF and LW systems.

I think there's a glitch in the System Browser.  If you close and reopen it, you'll probably see all loaded Systems displayed.  You should be good to go as far as loading CL-PPCRE (although your next stumbling block might be understanding Packages).

As to the choice of EXAMPLE-FILE as a name, my guess is that the ASDF integration provided by LW was originally a chargeable support incident (a couple of mine are in the examples too) and that this function is just a general convenience for loading examples.


p.s.    Your feelings about fighting LispWorks are understood.  I had a heck of a time getting started, mainly because I had never travelled in the 'Land of Lisp'!

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