Brian Connoy wrote:
I could likely do a talk on a sample "production rules" system prepared in KnowledgeWorks. The sample treats the classic "Monkeys and Bananas" problem in AI (not that monkeys have much trouble with bananas!).
KnowledgeWorks is a feature of the LispWorks Enterprise edition. While not a look at Common LISP directly, we'd be looking at an interesting extension built atop CL and CLOS. More interesting is the declarative programming model the sample embodies.
I'd actually started to prepare a quick talk during the last meet, but hit a snag. My laptop appeared to lack a driver needed to work correctly with an external monitor. I'll have to resolve that first.
Brian C.
p.s. Nevertheless, I'm ever hungry for Emacs knowledge and wouldn't object to a bit of brow-beating from Rudolf.
That sounds interesting! If there is time, I can do a ten minute walk through of lisp code I noticed that game used to handle all the object logic. (no slides) So Thursday sounds pretty great so far :) abram