Sorry, some of the attachments were scrubbed from the previous mail. Re-sent in txt form. Vish Singh On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 10:54 PM, Vishvajit Singh <vishvajitsingh@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,
I've attached the notes from my Factor presentation last week, along with some of the code I demonstrated. I'm new at giving this kind of presentation, so it was a learning experience for me. I think that the live presentation I gave (actual coding, mistakes and all) worked a lot better than a PowerPoint-style one would have. I hope to give more presentations in the future.
This stuff really ought to go on a website. Let's set up a Toronto Lisp website for tutorials, code snippets, meeting minutes, project collaboration, and so on. I believe someone said they already had a domain name registered, which is great. How about we set up a Wiki at first, and see where it goes?
Vish Singh