I'm good for Tuesdays after December. Nov 4 I may be good for, I'll have to check.

We had this problem with scheduling before and the deal was basically pick a day that allows the most people to come and it's just too bad for others if they can't make it. It sounds a bit callous perhaps but it's the same with other meetups I think.


2008/10/14 Justin Giancola <justin.giancola@gmail.com>
Any objections to 1st Tuesdays?


On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 5:07 PM, Paul Tarvydas
<tarvydas@visualframeworksinc.com> wrote:
> On Sunday 12 October 2008 10:03:32 pm Rudolf wrote:
>> No objections, that's a good pick for a day. Let's do it, 5 Nov 2008.
> Wednesdays are tough for me.  Tuesdays and Thursdays (except 1st Thursdays)
> are good.
> pt
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