My 1.346 cents worth: I'm good with this Google Sites recommendation. Brian C. p.s. Owing to a 'brain lapse', I completely forgot about the last meet. 8/ From: Telman Yusupov [mailto:lisp@yusupov.com] Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009 7:14 PM To: toronto-lisp@common-lisp.net Subject: [toronto-lisp] Factor notes, and website discussion Hi all, - The paper that I mentioned is called "Out of the tar pit" and is available here http://web.mac.com/ben_moseley/frp/paper-v1_01.pdf. The paper addresses the issue of software complexity and management of state is cited as the single largest contributor to complexity of software systems. - If I'm in town next month (there's a possibility that I'll be away on a consulting engagement), I'll be glad to do a presentation on Clojure. - I wholeheartedly agree on the need for the website and ready to provide the domain www.lisptoronto.org<http://www.lisptoronto.org> (name patterned after www.lispnyc.org<http://www.lispnyc.org>) Currently, it is hosted at Google Sites<http://www.google.com/sites/help/intl/en/overview.html> for free. Google Sites seems to be a nice web-based app that can serve needs of the group well: it works as a wiki and allows addition of file attachments, widgets (Google calendars, photo albums, spreadsheets and some others). Please let me know if hosting it there is ok with everyone interested. - If yes, then I'll add anyone who request to the list of site operators, effectively turning it into a wiki where anyone on the list can add/change stuff. - If not, we can host it anywhere else. Cheers, Telman 2009/2/8 Abram Hindle <abram.hindle@softwareprocess.us<mailto:abram.hindle@softwareprocess.us>> Yes you're right we need a website! Here are my notes on the last meeting * LISP Meeting ** Attendance 5 Ali Abram Telman Paul Vishvajit ** Website We need a website, what should be on it *** Name - toronto-lisp.net<http://toronto-lisp.net> Free from Telman *** hosting - dreamhost $0 abram offers - possible hosting - google sites *** Conclusion Send to mailing list we should discuss this further ** Factor *** Forth intro - stack based - tree demo *** factor - random tree - time daemon *** TELMAN - Read Paper Out of tarpit - on clojure group - revert state - restarting always work *** Abram goes off about - ruby-magick-scheme git clone http://churchturing.org/magick-what/ (I think) - Lispy Perl or Perlish Lisp http://churchturing.org/x/lisp-perl http://churchturing.org/x/lisp-perl/presentation/ http://churchturing.org/x/lisp-perl/presentation/presentation.out.pdf *** More website discussion Vishvajit Singh wrote:
Hi everyone,
I've attached the notes from my Factor presentation last week, along with some of the code I demonstrated. I'm new at giving this kind of presentation, so it was a learning experience for me. I think that the live presentation I gave (actual coding, mistakes and all) worked a lot better than a PowerPoint-style one would have. I hope to give more presentations in the future.
This stuff really ought to go on a website. Let's set up a Toronto Lisp website for tutorials, code snippets, meeting minutes, project collaboration, and so on. I believe someone said they already had a domain name registered, which is great. How about we set up a Wiki at first, and see where it goes?
Vish Singh
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