Here are some links relevant to last night's meeting.. Mandelbrot set code using Clojure's lazy sequences: https://github.com/vishsingh/mandelbrot/blob/master/mandelbrot.clj Antiweb templating implementation (I believe this is the right source file): https://github.com/hoytech/antiweb/blob/master/src/awp.lisp CL-WHO, generates HTML markup from sexps: http://weitz.de/cl-who/ refrigerator-sized MIT Lisp machines: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:LISP_machine.jpg the Toronto hacklab: http://hacklab.to/ some talks from the 27th Chaos Communication Congress: OpenLASE - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEG68O6jpjo MOS6502 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HW9AWBFH1sA Chip and PIN is broken - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWnH_yblgTc (We didn't discuss the last one but I just watched it and it's very interesting.) Vish On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 9:39 PM, Vish Singh <vishvajitsingh@gmail.com> wrote:
Please join us tomorrow for the first Toronto Lisp meeting of 2011. Brave the (rather slight) cold and meet your fellow Lispers.
Tuesday January 4, 2011 -- 6pm -- Linuxcaffe (directions at lisptoronto.org)
On the agenda: - Scheme is on iPad! http://web.mac.com/Jay_reynolds_freeman/My/Pixie_Scheme_III.html - Clojure discussion as suggested previously - plans for Lisp in 2011 - any presentations/demos would be welcome - ...
see you there.