I am at a bank behind a firewall, and, my previous crash seemed to indicate that something went wrong in ports.lisp (networking??).
So I did a quick look see for the word proxy in asdf-install, and lo-and-behold, I found in defpackage.lisp an area where I could possibly
configure proxy info…
Now, my proxy information is as follows:
Hostname is
Port is
The proxy is an http proxy - how would you configure the parameters below,
so that it will take these parameters above to configure the defpackage.lisp
It's an http proxy, and I don't notice anywhere the ability to set up the port value..
Any ideas?
(cl:in-package :cl-user)
(defpackage #:asdf-install
(:use #:common-lisp)
;; Customizable variables.
#:*shell-path* ; TODO: Undocumented
#:asdf-install-dirs ; TODO: Undocumented
#:private-asdf-install-dirs ; TODO: Undocumented
#:*tar-extractor* ; TODO: Undocumented
#:*program-directories* ; TODO: Undocumented
#:*temporary-directory* ; TODO: Undocumented
;; External entry points.
#:add-locations ; TODO: Undocumented
#:add-registry-location ; TODO: Undocumented
#:asdf-install-version ; TODO: Undocumented
#+(and asdf (or :win32 :mswindows))
;; proxy authentication
;; conditions
#:signature-error ; TODO: Undocumented
#:gpg-error ; TODO: Undocumented
#:gpg-shell-error ; TODO: Undocumented
#:installation-abort ; TODO: Undocumented
;; restarts
#:install-anyways ; TODO: Undocumented
(defpackage #:asdf-install-customize
(:use #:common-lisp #:asdf-install)
(:documentation "Used internally for loading user customization file."))
;;; Local variables:
;;; indent-tabs-mode:nil
;;; End: