9 May
9 May
9:08 a.m.
# May 9, 2023 Torlisp Meeting Meeting tonight, May 9, 2023, 6pm-8pm https://torlisp.neocities.org Main topic: - Lisp Game Jam - How To Make It Through the Lisp Game Jam (slides below) - https://itch.io/jam/spring-lisp-game-jam-2023 - Jos'h Fuller has participated in several Lisp Game Jams and will discuss general and specific strategies for writing a game under the time constraints of the jam. He will discuss details of some of his previous Lisp game entries. Lightning talk(s), if time permits. - wip - discussion about how to read a Kinopio Space into Racket and access fields # Slides for How To Make It Through The Lisp Game Jam [Slides](https://torlisp.neocities.org#GTTLJslides)