* Lisp meeting <2009-12-01 Tue> - Emacs - Defunkt mode - XONG - Google talk - sawzi - Sawzall - Google and machine learning on large datasets - Interpreting the Data: Parallel Analysis with Sawzall > Title: Extreme Data Mining: Machine Learning in Adwords and Google Product Search > Date: Monday, November 30, 2009 at 5pm. > Location: Institute for Quantum Computing, 475 Wes Graham Way, 2nd Floor (RAC Seminar Room) > Map URL: http://bit.ly/InstQuantumComputing > Admission: Free (Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally available and useful) > This Doc URL: http://bit.ly/ExtremeDataMining - Reader Macros - by doug - builds up lists - frames - read delimited list - security issues with #. - how to ignore errors - potential DOS - http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/lw50/CLHS/Body/f_rd_del.htm - read CL by guy steele, table with each character - the readtable - backquote is code.. - meant to be eval'd - `(print ,a) -> (list print value-of-a) - nested backquote.. uhhhh - Reserve our meeting next time, those android devs are trying to infringe on our turf - Serialization - define a generic - print-method - roll your own - more readermacro stuff - how to deal with transients - #<> can't be deserialized - Possible modules http://www.cl-user.net/asp/libs/bdb http://www.cl-user.net/asp/libs/bknr http://www.cl-user.net/asp/libs/clouchdb http://www.cl-user.net/asp/libs/elephant http://www.cl-user.net/asp/libs/PLOB http://common-lisp.net/project/clouchdb/ http://cl-user.net/asp/libs/cl-store http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-perec/ - why FSFS was used for subversion http://web.mit.edu/ghudson/info/fsfs - Tokyo Cabinet key store http://www.igvita.com/2009/02/13/tokyo-cabinet-beyond-key-value-store/ http://1978th.net/tokyocabinet/ - Couchdb http://couchdb.apache.org/ - More BDB - What if HDDs were as fast as memory - Solid state database speed - denormalized distributed database - Mandelbulb discussion - - LISP Admin - talks - we need a group - what do you want to hear - you can do it yourself too, if you want to learn real quick - Do you have a talk to give - projects? - Early talk announcement - Venue - Early Announcement - Reimplementations or analysis - mailinglist