[toronto-lisp] Global Code Retreat and Other Minutia

Hello everyone. Three things that I want to get out there in advance of publishing the (not very extensive) notes. 1 - This link was already posted to the mailing list, but not everyone knew about it when I asked at today's meeting, so... Global Day of Coderetreat <https://guestlistapp.com/events/130467> is happening this coming Saturday I'll be there with a laptop and prepped runtimes/environments for Common Lisp, Clojure, Haskell, Python, Forth and SWI-Prolog (and I guess technically Elisp, Perl, JavaScript and C too). I've been poking at Haskell with intent, while Prolog and Forth are next on my to-learn list, so I'll be biased in what I want to work with. About half of tonights' group was going to be there in any case, so the lispers/functional programmers definitely won't be lonely. Registration is closed, but it's apparently ok to just show up. 2 - There's a similar monthly event happening. Details on the meetup page<http://www.meetup.com/Toronto-Code-Retreat/>, though the next one doesn't seem to be scheduled yet (correct me if that's the wrong link). 3 - The fine folks at Bento Miso <http://bentomiso.com/> have offered to host us for the next few months, and the attending group was ok with this. The next meeting of the Toronto Lisp Group will happen on the 8th of January, and we've been penciled in for the first Tuesdays of February and March. 4 - Ok, four. The toronto-haskell<https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#%21forum/toronto-haskell>group is currently asking members for feedback on their next meeting date. It'll be one of (list <Thursday, Dec 6> <Friday, Dec 7> <Wednesday, Dec 12>); they meet at the Toronto hacklab <http://hacklab.to/>, typically starting at 7:00 pm. -Leo
participants (1)
Leo Zovic