[toronto-lisp] Toronto Lisp Users Group Meeting Tuesday April 7th @ Linux Caffe

So this coming Tuesday is our April Meeting. Do anyone have anything they could talk about at the meet? Do we need a projector? Toronto Lisp Users Group April Meeting: April 7th, 6pm, Linux Caffe (Walk north of bloor from Christie Station, til you hit Harboard street) We're looking for volunteers for talks, discussion, tutorials. Your current projects, proposal for projects, libraries you like, tutorials or related LISPy languages, issues relevant to lisp etc. If you feel obligated to present something but don't have any idea, I suggest going into Common Lisp or Scheme R5RS and talking about how a certain function or object works, how it is implemented etc, things that use it. It is pretty easy to get a couple of minutes of content from that. http://www.lisptoronto.org/ Hope to see you there! abram
participants (1)
Abram Hindle