[toronto-lisp] TLUG October minutes

Discussion Meeting (October 2011) Attendees: Jos'h, Ali, Paul REBOL (by Karl Sassenrath of Amiga) for GUI's, parsing http://www.rebol.com/docs/easy-vid.html http://www.rebol.com/docs/view-guide.html scanimate.com (old video technology, used to animate death star approach sequence in Star Wars) rosettacode.org - various tasks coded up in every known language http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Percentage_difference_between_images virtualbox.com ninite.com (minimal apt-get for windows) most popular linuxen: debian, ubuntu Leo's blog contains tutorials on using CL for web work http://langnostic.blogspot.com/2011/08/cl-chan-clsql-and-hunchentoot-crash.h... https://github.com/inaimathi discussed asdf-install vs. quicklisp paredit

Hmm attendance is a little low, maybe someone should volunteer to be promotions officer, they aren't responsible for hosting the meeting, but promoting via the mailinglist (week before, day before, day of) and on twitter and any other local techie lists they are on. abram On 11-10-19 06:15 PM, Paul Tarvydas wrote:
Discussion Meeting (October 2011)
Attendees: Jos'h, Ali, Paul
REBOL (by Karl Sassenrath of Amiga) for GUI's, parsing http://www.rebol.com/docs/easy-vid.html http://www.rebol.com/docs/view-guide.html
scanimate.com (old video technology, used to animate death star approach sequence in Star Wars)
rosettacode.org - various tasks coded up in every known language http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Percentage_difference_between_images
ninite.com (minimal apt-get for windows)
most popular linuxen: debian, ubuntu
Leo's blog contains tutorials on using CL for web work http://langnostic.blogspot.com/2011/08/cl-chan-clsql-and-hunchentoot-crash.h... https://github.com/inaimathi
discussed asdf-install vs. quicklisp
_______________________________________________ toronto-lisp mailing list toronto-lisp@common-lisp.net http://lists.common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/toronto-lisp

Basically we need an email bot? :-P It'd actually be a nifty project to have an IRC bot setup too for the #lisp channel that could list events too. -Rudolf On Wed, 19 Oct 2011 18:34:17 +0100 Abram Hindle <abram.hindle@softwareprocess.es> wrote:
Hmm attendance is a little low, maybe someone should volunteer to be promotions officer, they aren't responsible for hosting the meeting, but promoting via the mailinglist (week before, day before, day of) and on twitter and any other local techie lists they are on.
On 11-10-19 06:15 PM, Paul Tarvydas wrote:
Discussion Meeting (October 2011)
Attendees: Jos'h, Ali, Paul
REBOL (by Karl Sassenrath of Amiga) for GUI's, parsing http://www.rebol.com/docs/easy-vid.html http://www.rebol.com/docs/view-guide.html
scanimate.com (old video technology, used to animate death star approach sequence in Star Wars)
rosettacode.org - various tasks coded up in every known language http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Percentage_difference_between_images
ninite.com (minimal apt-get for windows)
most popular linuxen: debian, ubuntu
Leo's blog contains tutorials on using CL for web work http://langnostic.blogspot.com/2011/08/cl-chan-clsql-and-hunchentoot-crash.h... https://github.com/inaimathi
discussed asdf-install vs. quicklisp
_______________________________________________ toronto-lisp mailing list toronto-lisp@common-lisp.net http://lists.common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/toronto-lisp
-- Rudolf Olah <omouse@gmail.com>
participants (3)
Abram Hindle
Paul Tarvydas
Rudolf Olah