[toronto-lisp] Code Retreat Toronto 2009 (August 8th)

Code Retreat Toronto Hosted by J.B. Rainsberger and Novell/PlateSpin Canada August 8, 2009 J.B. Rainsberger and Novell/PlateSpin Canada will be hosting a code retreat on August 8th, 2009. What is a code retreat? - It is an event where we "[bring coders together to code], and then discuss only the things that emerge from that code." [1] - For more details, see http://tinyurl.com/lr395d Where is it? - The event is at the Novell/PlateSpin office in Toronto. - The address is 340 King Street East, Suite 200, Toronto, ON. - See the map at http://tinyurl.com/platespin When is it? - We'll start with breakfast at 8:30am. - We expect to go until around 5pm, at which point we'll head over to a local pub to unwind a little. How much does it cost? - Nothing but your time. What do we bring? - We can't supply machines, so please bring your laptop. That's about all you'll need. What do we get? - Breakfast and lunch will be supplied. - There will also be free coffee, soft drinks, and snacks available. Do I need to RSVP? - YES. If you are going to attend PLEASE EMAIL MIKE DIBERNARDO at mikedebo@gmail.com. - Use the subject "Code Retreat 2009". - We may be overbooked, so the RSVP is required to determine headcount. Who is the host, exactly? - J. B. (Joe) Rainsberger is a Canadian software development consultant and technology writer. [2] - He is the author of JUnit Recipes : Practical Methods for Programmer Testing, and was the recipient of the Gordon Pask Award in 2005. Anything else? - You can view J.B.'s video invite at http://www.vimeo.com/5429547 I have a question! - Please send any questions you might have to mikedebo@gmail.com. We'll see you on August 8th! [1] http://coderetreat.ning.com/profiles/blogs/what-the-heck-is-coderetreat [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._B._Rainsberger
participants (1)
Michael DiBernardo