[toronto-lisp] Fwd: [TLUG-ANNOUNCE]: GTALUG Meeting Tuesday, 14th December, 2010 @ 7:30pm

I forwarded notice of this over back in June; if someone would be interested in championing Lisp in a hopefully-lively discussion, you'd surely be made welcome. Note that there are some planned common questions that hopefully show the flavour of the intent: <http://gtalug.org/wiki/Meetings:2010-12/Notes> I believe that virtually all of those questions are ones I'm responsible for... Note that David Collier Brown is an "old Multician," (there now is no other kind! :-)) so it certainly should be a thoughtful moderation that gets expressed. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Myles Braithwaite <me@mylesbraithwaite.com> Date: Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 11:04 AM Subject: [TLUG-ANNOUNCE]: GTALUG Meeting Tuesday, 14th December, 2010 @ 7:30pm To: TLUG Announce <tlug-announce@ss.org> Topic: Dynamic Languages Smack Down with David Collier-Brown. Panel * Myles Braithwaite -- Python * Still Looking -- Perl * Scott Elcomb -- JavaScript * Fabio FZero -- Ruby * Yanni Chiu -- Smalltalk * Still Looking -- Lisp Location Room GB248, Galbraith Building, University of Toronto 35 St George St Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G8 University of Toronto <http://osm.org/go/ZX6ByChVi-> or <http://goo.gl/maps/S1sL> Schedule 6:00 pm - There is a get together of GTALUGers at Pho 88 <http://pho88.ca/> restaurant 270 Spadina Ave (South of Dundas) for food and socializing. 7:30 pm - Meeting and presentation. 9:00 pm - After each meeting (at 9:00 pm) a group of GTALUGers move to the GSU Pub for beer and more socializing. Retrieved from <http://gtalug.org/wiki/Meetings:2010-12> -- http://linuxfinances.info/info/linuxdistributions.html
participants (1)
Christopher Browne