[toronto-lisp] Meeting Mar 1

Please join us tomorrow for the third Toronto Lisp meeting of 2011. Tuesday March 1 2011 - 6pm - Linuxcaffe (for directions see www.lisptoronto.org) see you there, Vish

Unfortunately, I'm well under the weather and won't be attending tonight. Dave Cooper is interested in skyping in again. If someone could bring a laptop with a full size screen, Dave could do a skype screen-share and demo his GDL product - which is a very interesting bundled product consisting of Allegro plus a bunch of in-house and 3rd party libraries that creates custom CAD-like engineering environments for various industries (for example, the automotive industry). Dave's email is: david.cooper@genworks.com . Let him know if this can be accommodated. I'm not sure that I heard this factoid mentioned - Dave is a board member of the ALU. We should be picking his brains on all issues lisp. He also suggests an interesting list of potential topics: 1. Give a GDL presentation and demo 2. Talk about software licensing: commercial, open-source, dual. 3. ILC, ECLM, other larger Lisp meetings (who would attend and why) 4. Common Lisp Foundation, ALU, and funding issues. 5. Library initiatives (Quicklisp, LibCL, Lispbox, and similar). Please post a summary of the meeting for those of us too sick to show up :-). pt

I did not make too many notes this time - sorry - but here are a few of the items discussed: - Language Agnostic blog, by Leo: http://langnostic.blogspot.com/ - discussion of post "Writing C in Lisp" - discussion of Hunchentoot web servers with nginx as an intermediary for serving static content - discussion of the now-famous RIM rant: http://blog.jamiemurai.com/2011/02/you-win-rim/ - also, a follow-up post: http://blog.jamiemurai.com/2011/02/rim-rant-follow-up/ - presentation about using Scheme on the iPhone: http://www.slideshare.net/jlongster/the-scheme-language-using-it-on-the-ipho... - discussion about whether Apple could detect from your compiled binary if you were sending S-expressions over the network to be evaluated by an app (which would violate their developer agreement) - worth noting that, while the above is disallowed by Apple, you could do it easily within a web-app using Javascript Vish On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 2:56 PM, Paul Tarvydas <tarvydas@visualframeworksinc.com> wrote:
Unfortunately, I'm well under the weather and won't be attending tonight.
Dave Cooper is interested in skyping in again. If someone could bring a laptop with a full size screen, Dave could do a skype screen-share and demo his GDL product - which is a very interesting bundled product consisting of Allegro plus a bunch of in-house and 3rd party libraries that creates custom CAD-like engineering environments for various industries (for example, the automotive industry).
Dave's email is: david.cooper@genworks.com . Let him know if this can be accommodated.
I'm not sure that I heard this factoid mentioned - Dave is a board member of the ALU. We should be picking his brains on all issues lisp.
He also suggests an interesting list of potential topics:
1. Give a GDL presentation and demo
2. Talk about software licensing: commercial, open-source, dual.
3. ILC, ECLM, other larger Lisp meetings (who would attend and why)
4. Common Lisp Foundation, ALU, and funding issues.
5. Library initiatives (Quicklisp, LibCL, Lispbox, and similar).
Please post a summary of the meeting for those of us too sick to show up :-).
_______________________________________________ toronto-lisp mailing list toronto-lisp@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/toronto-lisp

FYI, there will be a presentation or org-mode at the GTALUG meeting tonight. http://gtalug.org/wiki/Meetings:2011-03 I know this isn't 100% lisp related, but it could be an interesting talk for emacs users. bryce
participants (3)
Bryce Moore
Paul Tarvydas
Vish Singh