Re: [toronto-lisp] toronto-lisp Digest, Vol 39, Issue 2

Dear All, I just changed my mailing list settings as I was on Digest setting and didn't see this until today (no reason to be on Digest for toronto-lisp, the volume isn't so huge!) Anyway I am still open to present/discuss on the issues Paul lists below in future meetings, either in person or through Skype. My Best, -dave On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 12:00 PM, <> wrote: ...
Message: 1 Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2011 14:56:16 -0500 From: Paul Tarvydas <> Subject: Re: [toronto-lisp] Meeting Mar 1
Unfortunately, I'm well under the weather and won't be attending tonight.
Dave Cooper is interested in skyping in again. If someone could bring a laptop with a full size screen, Dave could do a skype screen-share and demo his GDL product - which is a very interesting bundled product consisting of Allegro plus a bunch of in-house and 3rd party libraries that creates custom CAD-like engineering environments for various industries (for example, the automotive industry).
Dave's email is: . Let him know if this can be accommodated.
I'm not sure that I heard this factoid mentioned - Dave is a board member of the ALU. We should be picking his brains on all issues lisp.
He also suggests an interesting list of potential topics:
1. Give a GDL presentation and demo
2. Talk about software licensing: commercial, open-source, dual.
3. ILC, ECLM, other larger Lisp meetings (who would attend and why)
4. Common Lisp Foundation, ALU, and funding issues.
5. Library initiatives (Quicklisp, LibCL, Lispbox, and similar).
Please post a summary of the meeting for those of us too sick to show up :-).
participants (1)
Dave Cooper