Author: ehuelsmann
Date: Thu Jun 8 15:43:23 2006
New Revision: 116
Trivial-sockets compat addition (as far as possible at this stage)
Also formatting tweaks and comment removal.
Modified: usocket/trunk/condition.lisp
--- usocket/trunk/condition.lisp (original)
+++ usocket/trunk/condition.lisp Thu Jun 8 15:43:23 2006
@@ -5,6 +5,13 @@
(in-package :usocket)
+;; Condition raised by operations with unsupported arguments
+;; For trivial-sockets compatibility.
+(define-condition unsupported (error)
+ ((feature :initarg :feature :reader unsupported-feature)))
;; Conditions raised by sockets operations
(define-condition socket-condition (condition)
Modified: usocket/trunk/usocket.lisp
--- usocket/trunk/usocket.lisp (original)
+++ usocket/trunk/usocket.lisp Thu Jun 8 15:43:23 2006
@@ -10,23 +10,38 @@
(defclass usocket ()
:initarg :socket
- :accessor socket)
+ :accessor socket
+ :documentation "Implementation specific socket object instance.")
:initarg :stream
- :accessor socket-stream)
-;; (local-address ;; possibly need to eliminate
-;; :initarg :local-address
-;; :accessor local-address)
-;; (local-port ;; possibly need to eliminate
-;; :initarg :local-port
-;; :accessor local-port)
- ))
+ :accessor socket-stream
+ :documentation "Implementation specific socket stream instance.")))
(defun make-socket (&key socket stream)
+ "Create a usocket socket type from implementation specific socket
+and stream objects."
(make-instance 'usocket
:socket socket
:stream stream))
+(defun open-stream (peer-host peer-port
+ &key (local-host :any)
+ (local-port 0)
+ (external-format :default)
+ (element-type 'character)
+ (protocol :tcp))
+ (unless (and (eql local-host :any) (eql local-port 0))
+ (error 'unsupported :feature :bind))
+ (unless (eql protocol :tcp)
+ (error 'unsupported :feature `(:protocol ,protocol)))
+ (unless (eql external-format :default)
+ (error 'unsupported :feature :external-format))
+ (unless (eql element-type 'character)
+ (error 'unsupported :feature :element-type))
+ (let ((sock (socket-connect peer-host peer-port)))
+ (when sock
+ (socket-stream sock))))
(defgeneric socket-close (usocket)
(:documentation "Close a previously opened `usocket'."))
@@ -103,8 +118,8 @@
(defgeneric host-byte-order (address))
(defmethod host-byte-order ((string string))
- "Convert a string, such as, to host-byte-order, such as
+ "Convert a string, such as, to host-byte-order,
+such as 3232235777."
(let ((list (list-of-strings-to-integers (split-sequence:split-sequence #\. string))))
(+ (* (first list) 256 256 256) (* (second list) 256 256)
(* (third list) 256) (fourth list))))
@@ -163,6 +178,11 @@
;; Setting of documentation for backend defined functions
+;; Documentation for the function
+;; (defun SOCKET-CONNECT (host port) ..)
(setf (documentation 'socket-connect 'function)
"Connect to `host' on `port'. `host' is assumed to be a string of
an IP address represented in vector notation, such as #(192 168 1 1).