Author: ctian Date: Mon Jan 4 02:16:10 2010 New Revision: 508 Log: Initial import of MCL's wait-for-input implementation, submit by Terje Norderhaug Added: usocket/trunk/vendor/ usocket/trunk/vendor/kqueue.lisp (contents, props changed) Modified: usocket/trunk/backend/mcl.lisp usocket/trunk/doc/backends.txt usocket/trunk/usocket.asd Modified: usocket/trunk/backend/mcl.lisp ============================================================================== --- usocket/trunk/backend/mcl.lisp (original) +++ usocket/trunk/backend/mcl.lisp Mon Jan 4 02:16:10 2010 @@ -168,6 +168,59 @@ (declare (special ccl::*passive-interface-address*)) new)) + +(defun wait-for-input-internal (wait-list &key timeout &aux result) + (macrolet ((when-io-buffer-lock-grabbed ((lock &optional multiple-value-p) &body body) + "Evaluates the body if and only if the lock is successfully grabbed" + ;; like with-io-buffer-lock-grabbed but returns immediately instead of polling the lock + (let ((needs-unlocking-p (gensym)) + (lock-var (gensym))) + `(let* ((,lock-var ,lock) + (ccl::*grabbed-io-buffer-locks* (cons ,lock-var ccl::*grabbed-io-buffer-locks*)) + (,needs-unlocking-p (needs-unlocking-p ,lock-var))) + (declare (dynamic-extent ccl::*grabbed-io-buffer-locks*)) + (when ,needs-unlocking-p + (,(if multiple-value-p 'multiple-value-prog1 'prog1) + (progn ,@body) + (ccl::%release-io-buffer-lock ,lock-var))))))) + (labels ((needs-unlocking-p (lock) + (declare (type ccl::lock lock)) + ;; crucial - clears bogus lock.value as in grab-io-buffer-lock-out-of-line: + (ccl::%io-buffer-lock-really-grabbed-p lock) + (ccl:store-conditional lock nil ccl:*current-process*)) + (input-available (stream) + "similar to stream-listen on buffered-input-stream-mixin but without waiting for lock" + (let ((io-buffer (ccl::stream-io-buffer stream))) + (or (not (eql 0 (ccl::io-buffer-incount io-buffer))) + (ccl::io-buffer-untyi-char io-buffer) + (locally (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) + (when-io-buffer-lock-grabbed ((ccl::io-buffer-lock io-buffer)) + (funcall (ccl::io-buffer-listen-function io-buffer) stream io-buffer)))))) + (ready-sockets (sockets) + (dolist (sock sockets result) + (when (input-available (socket-stream sock)) + (push sock result))))) + (with-mapped-conditions () + (ccl:process-wait-with-timeout + "socket input" + (when timeout (truncate (* timeout 60))) + #'ready-sockets + (wait-list-waiters wait-list))) + (nreverse result)))) + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +#| Test for wait-for-input +(let* ((sock1 (usocket:socket-connect "in-progress.com" 80)) + (sock2 (usocket:socket-connect "common-lisp.net" 80)) + (sockets (list sock1 sock2))) + (dolist (sock sockets) + (format (usocket:socket-stream sock) + "GET / HTTP/1.0~A~A~A~A" + #\Return #\Linefeed #\Return #\Linefeed) + (force-output (usocket:socket-stream sock))) + (wait-for-input sockets :timeout 5000)) +|# + ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #| TEST (from test-usocket.lisp) Modified: usocket/trunk/doc/backends.txt ============================================================================== --- usocket/trunk/doc/backends.txt (original) +++ usocket/trunk/doc/backends.txt Mon Jan 4 02:16:10 2010 @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ - get-hosts-by-name [ optional ] - get-host-by-address [ optional ] + - wait-for-input-internal (new in 0.4.x) Methods: Modified: usocket/trunk/usocket.asd ============================================================================== --- usocket/trunk/usocket.asd (original) +++ usocket/trunk/usocket.asd Mon Jan 4 02:16:10 2010 @@ -24,8 +24,10 @@ :depends-on ("package")) (:file "condition" :depends-on ("usocket")) + (:module "vendor" + :components (#+mcl (:file "kqueue"))) (:module "backend" - :depends-on ("condition") + :depends-on ("condition" "vendor") :components (#+clisp (:file "clisp") #+cmu (:file "cmucl") #+scl (:file "scl") Added: usocket/trunk/vendor/kqueue.lisp ============================================================================== --- (empty file) +++ usocket/trunk/vendor/kqueue.lisp Mon Jan 4 02:16:10 2010 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +;;;-*-Mode: LISP; Package: CCL -*- ;; ;; KQUEUE.LISP ;; ;; KQUEUE - BSD kernel event notification mechanism support for Common LISP. ;; Copyright (C) 2007 Terje Norderhaug <terje@in-progress.com> ;; Released under LGPL - see <http://www.gnu.org>. ;; Alternative licensing available upon request. ;; ;; DISCLAIMER: The user of this module should understand that executing code is a potentially hazardous ;; activity, and that many dangers and obstacles, marked or unmarked, may exist within this code. ;; As a condition of your use of the module, you assume all risk of personal injury, death, or property ;; loss, and all other bad things that may happen, even if caused by negligence, ignorance or stupidity. ;; The author is is no way responsible, and besides, does not have "deep pockets" nor any spare change. ;; ;; Version: 0.20 alpha (July 26, 2009) - subject to major revisions, so consider yourself warned. ;; Tested with Macintosh Common LISP 5.1 and 5.2, but is intended to be platform and system independent in the future. ;; ;; Email feedback and improvements to <terje@in-progress.com>. ;; Updated versions will be available from <http://www.in-progress.com/src/>. ;; ;; RELATED IMPLEMENTATIONS ;; There is another kevent.lisp for other platforms by Risto Laakso (merge?). ;; Also a Scheme kevent.ss by Jose Antonio Ortega. ;; ;; SEE ALSO: ;; http://people.freebsd.org/~jlemon/papers/kqueue.pdf ;; http://developer.apple.com/samplecode/FileNotification/index.html ;; The Man page for kqueue() or kevent(). ;; PyKQueue - Python OO interface to KQueue. ;; LibEvent - an event notification library in C by Niels Provos. ;; Liboop - another abstract library in C on top of kevent or other kernel notification. #| HISTORY: 2007-Oct-18 terje version 0.1 released on the Info-MCL mailing list. 2008-Aug-21 terje load-framework-bundle is not needed under MCL 5.2 2008-Aug-21 terje rename get-addr to lookup-function-in-bundle (only for pre MCL 5.2) 2009-Jul-19 terje uses kevent-error condition and strerror. 2009-Jul-24 terje reports errors unless nil-if-not-found in lookup-function-in-bundle. 2009-Jul-24 terje kevent :variant for C's intptr_t type for 64bit (and osx 10.5) compatibility. 2009-Jul-25 terje 64bit support, dynamically determined for PPC. Kudos to Glen Foy for helping out. 2009-Jul-25 terje make-kevent function. |# #| IMPLEMENTATION NOTES: kevents are copied into and from the kernel, so the records don't have to be kept in the app! kevents does not work in OSX before 10.3. *kevent-record* has to be explcitly set to :kevent64 to work on 64bit intel macs. Consider using sysctlbyname() to test for 64bit, combining hw.cpu64bit_capable, hw.optional.x86_64 and hw.optional.64bitops |# (in-package :ccl) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #-ccl-5.2 ; has been added to MCL 5.2 (defmethod load-framework-bundle ((framework-name string) &key (load-executable t)) ;; FRAMWORK CALL FUNCTIONALITY FROM BSD.LISP ;; (C) 2003 Brendan Burns <bburns@cs.umass.edu> ;; Released under LGPL. (with-cfstrs ((framework framework-name)) (let ((err 0) (baseURL nil) (bundleURL nil) (result nil)) (rlet ((folder :fsref)) ;; Find the folder holding the bundle (setf err (#_FSFindFolder #$kOnAppropriateDisk #$kFrameworksFolderType t folder)) ;; if everything's cool, make a URL for it (when (zerop err) (setf baseURL (#_CFURLCreateFromFSRef (%null-ptr) folder)) (if (%null-ptr-p baseURL) (setf err #$coreFoundationUnknownErr))) ;; if everything's cool, make a URL for the bundle (when (zerop err) (setf bundleURL (#_CFURLCreateCopyAppendingPathComponent (%null-ptr) baseURL framework nil)) (if (%null-ptr-p bundleURL) (setf err #$coreFoundationUnknownErr))) ;; if everything's cool, load it (when (zerop err) (setf result (#_CFBundleCreate (%null-ptr) bundleURL)) (if (%null-ptr-p result) (setf err #$coreFoundationUnknownErr))) ;; if everything's cool, and the user wants it loaded, load it (when (and load-executable (zerop err)) (if (not (#_CFBundleLoadExecutable result)) (setf err #$coreFoundationUnknownErr))) ;; if there's an error, but we've got a pointer, free it and clear result (when (and (not (zerop err)) (not (%null-ptr-p result))) (#_CFRelease result) (setf result nil)) ;; free the URLs if there non-null (when (not (%null-ptr-p bundleURL)) (#_CFRelease bundleURL)) (when (not (%null-ptr-p baseURL)) (#_CFRelease baseURL)) ;; return pointer + error value (values result err))))) #+ignore (defun get-addr (bundle name) (let* ((addr (#_CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName bundle name))) (rlet ((buf :long)) (setf (%get-ptr buf) addr) (ash (%get-signed-long buf) -2)))) #-ccl-5.2 (defun lookup-function-in-bundle (name bundle &optional nil-if-not-found) (with-cfstrs ((str name)) (let* ((addr (#_CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName bundle str))) (if (%null-ptr-p addr) (unless nil-if-not-found (error "Couldn't resolve address of foreign function ~s" name)) (rlet ((buf :long)) ;; mcl 5.2 uses %fixnum-from-macptr here (setf (%get-ptr buf) addr) (ash (%get-signed-long buf) -2)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Convenient way to declare BSD system calls #+ignore (defparameter *system-bundle* #+ccl-5.2 (get-bundle-for-framework-name "System.framework") #-ccl-5.2 (let ((bundle (load-framework-bundle "System.framework"))) (terminate-when-unreachable bundle (lambda (b)(#_CFRelease b))) bundle)) (defmacro declare-bundle-ff (name name-string &rest arglist &aux (fn (gensym (format nil "ff_~A_" (string name))))) ;; Is there an existing define-trap like macro for this? or could one be modified for use with bundles? `(progn (defloadvar ,fn (let* ((bundle #+ccl-5.2 (get-bundle-for-framework-name "System.framework") #-ccl-5.2 (let ((bundle (load-framework-bundle "System.framework"))) (terminate-when-unreachable bundle (lambda (b)(#_CFRelease b))) bundle))) (lookup-function-in-bundle ,name-string bundle))) ,(let ((args (do ((arglist arglist (cddr arglist)) (result)) ((not (cdr arglist)) (nreverse result)) (push (second arglist) result)))) `(defun ,name ,args (ppc-ff-call ,fn ,@arglist))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (declare-bundle-ff %system-kqueue "kqueue" :signed-fullword) ;; returns a file descriptor no! (defun system-kqueue () (let ((kq (%system-kqueue))) (if (= kq -1) (ecase (%system-errno) (12 (error "The kernel failed to allocate enough memory for the kernel queue")) ; ENOMEM (24 (error "The per-process descriptor table is full")) ; EMFILE (23 (error "The system file table is full"))) ; ENFILE kq))) (declare-bundle-ff %system-kevent "kevent" :unsigned-fullword kq :address ke :unsigned-fullword nke :address ko :unsigned-fullword nko :address timeout :signed-fullword) (declare-bundle-ff %system-open "open" :address name :unsigned-fullword mode :unsigned-fullword arg :signed-fullword) (declare-bundle-ff %system-close "close" :unsigned-fullword fd :signed-fullword) (declare-bundle-ff %system-errno* "__error" :signed-fullword) (declare-bundle-ff %system-strerror "strerror" :signed-fullword errno :address) (defun %system-errno () (%get-fixnum (%int-to-ptr (%system-errno*)))) ; (%system-errno) (defconstant $O-EVTONLY #x8000) ; (defconstant $O-NONBLOCK #x800 "Non blocking mode") (defun system-open (posix-namestring) "Low level open function, as in C, returns an fd number" (with-cstrs ((name posix-namestring)) (%system-open name $O-EVTONLY 0))) (defun system-close (fd) (%system-close fd)) (defrecord timespec (sec :unsigned-long) (usec :unsigned-long)) (defVar *kevent-record* nil) (def-ccl-pointers determine-64bit-kevents () (setf *kevent-record* (if (ccl::gestalt #$gestaltPowerPCProcessorFeatures #+ccl-5.2 #$gestaltPowerPCHas64BitSupport #-ccl-5.2 6) :kevent32 :kevent64))) (defrecord :kevent32 (ident :unsigned-long) ; uintptr_t (filter :short) (flags :unsigned-short) (fflags :unsigned-long) (data :long) ; intptr_t (udata :pointer)) (defrecord :kevent64 (:variant ; uintptr_t ((ident64 :uint64)) ((ident :unsigned-long))) (filter :short) (flags :unsigned-short) (fflags :unsigned-long) (:variant ; intptr_t ((data64 :sint64)) ((data :long))) (:variant ; RMCL :pointer is 32bit ((udata64 :uint64)) ((udata :pointer)))) (defun make-kevent (&key (ident 0) (filter 0) (flags 0) (fflags 0) (data 0) (udata *null-ptr*)) (ecase *kevent-record* (:kevent64 (make-record kevent64 :ident ident :filter filter :flags flags :fflags fflags :data data :udata udata)) (:kevent32 (make-record kevent32 :ident ident :filter filter :flags flags :fflags fflags :data data :udata udata)))) (defun kevent-rref (ke field) (ecase *kevent-record* (:kevent32 (ecase field (:ident (rref ke :kevent32.ident)) (:filter (rref ke :kevent32.filter)) (:flags (rref ke :kevent32.flags)) (:fflags (rref ke :kevent32.fflags)) (:data (rref ke :kevent32.data)) (:udata (rref ke :kevent32.udata)))) (:kevent64 (ecase field (:ident (rref ke :kevent64.ident)) (:filter (rref ke :kevent64.filter)) (:flags (rref ke :kevent64.flags)) (:fflags (rref ke :kevent64.fflags)) (:data (rref ke :kevent64.data)) (:udata (rref ke :kevent64.udata)))))) (defun kevent-filter (ke) (kevent-rref ke :filter)) (defun kevent-flags (ke) (kevent-rref ke :flags)) (defun kevent-data (ke) (kevent-rref ke :data)) ;; FILTER TYPES: (defconstant $kevent-read-filter -1 "Data available to read") (defconstant $kevent-write-filter -2 "Writing is possible") (defconstant $kevent-aio-filter -3 "AIO system call has been made") (defconstant $kevent-vnode-filter -4 "Event occured on a file descriptor") (defconstant $kevent-proc-filter -5 "Process performed one or more of the requested events") (defconstant $kevent-signal-filter -6 "Attempted to deliver a signal to a process") (defconstant $kevent-timer-filter -7 "Establishes an arbitrary timer") (defconstant $kevent-netdev-filter -8 "Event occured on a network device") (defconstant $kevent-filesystem-filter -9) ; FLAGS: (defconstant $kevent-add #x01) (defconstant $kevent-delete #x02) (defconstant $kevent-enable #x04) (defconstant $kevent-disable #x08) (defconstant $kevent-oneshot #x10) (defconstant $kevent-clear #x20) (defconstant $kevent-error #x4000) (defconstant $kevent-eof #x8000 "EV_EOF") ;; FFLAGS: (defconstant $kevent-file-delete #x01 "The file was unlinked from the file system") (defconstant $kevent-file-write #x02 "A write occurred on the file") (defconstant $kevent-file-extend #x04 "The file was extended") (defconstant $kevent-file-attrib #x08 "The file had its attributes changed") (defconstant $kevent-file-link #x10 "The link count on the file changed") (defconstant $kevent-file-rename #x20 "The file was renamed") (defconstant $kevent-file-revoke #x40 "Access to the file was revoked or the file system was unmounted") (defconstant $kevent-file-all (logior $kevent-file-delete $kevent-file-write $kevent-file-extend $kevent-file-attrib $kevent-file-link $kevent-file-rename $kevent-file-revoke)) (defconstant $kevent-net-linkup #x01 "Link is up") (defconstant $kevent-net-linkdown #x02 "Link is down") (defconstant $kevent-net-linkinvalid #x04 "Link state is invalid") (defconstant $kevent-net-added #x08 "IP adress added") (defconstant $kevent-net-deleted #x10 "IP adress deleted") (define-condition kevent-error (simple-error) ((errno :initform NIL :initarg :errno) (ko :initform nil :type (or null kevent) :initarg :ko) (syserr :initform (%system-errno))) (:report (lambda (c s) (with-slots (errno ko syserr) c (format s "kevent system call error ~A [~A]" errno syserr) (when errno (format s "(~A)" (%get-cstring (%system-strerror errno)))) (when ko (format s " for ") (let ((*standard-output* s)) (print-record ko *kevent-record*))))))) (defun %kevent (kq &optional ke ko (timeout 0)) (check-type kq integer) (rlet ((&timeout :timespec :sec timeout :usec 1)) (let ((num (with-timer ;; does not seem to make a difference... (%system-kevent kq (or ke (%null-ptr))(if ke 1 0)(or ko (%null-ptr))(if ko 1 0) &timeout)))) ; "If an error occurs while processing an element of the changelist and there ; is enough room in the eventlist, then the event will be placed in the eventlist with ; EV_ERROR set in flags and the system error in data." (when (and ko (plusp (logand $kevent-error (kevent-flags ko)))) (error 'kevent-error :errno (kevent-data ko) :ko ko)) ; "Otherwise, -1 will be returned, and errno will be set to indicate the error condition." (when (= num -1) ;; hack - opentransport provides the constants for the errors documented for the call (case (%system-errno) (0 (error "kevent system call failed with an unspecified error")) ;; should not happen! (13 (error "The process does not have permission to register a filter")) (14 (error "There was an error reading or writing the kevent structure")) ; EFAULT (9 (error "The specified descriptor is invalid")) ; EBADF (4 (error "A signal was delivered before the timeout expired and before any events were placed on the kqueue for return.")) ; EINTR (22 (error "The specified time limit or filter is invalid")) ; EINVAL (2 (error "The event could not be found to be modified or deleted")) ; ENOENT (12 (error "No memory was available to register the event")) ; ENOMEM (78 (error "The specified process to attach to does not exist"))) ; ESRCH ;; shouldn't get here... (errchk (%system-errno)) (error "error ~A" (%system-errno))) (unless (zerop num) (values ko num))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; CLOS INTERFACE (defclass kqueue () ((kq :initform (system-kqueue) :documentation "file descriptor referencing the kqueue") (fds :initform NIL)) ;; ## better if kept on top level, perhaps as a hash table... (:documentation "A kernal event notification channel")) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((q kqueue) &rest rest) (declare (ignore rest)) (terminate-when-unreachable q 'kqueue-close)) (defmethod kqueue-close ((q kqueue)) (with-slots (kq fds) q (when (or kq fds) ;; allow repeated close (system-close kq) (setf fds NIL) (setf kq NIL)))) (defmethod kqueue-poll ((q kqueue)) "Polls a kqueue for kevents" ;; may not have to be cleared, but just in case: (flet ((kqueue-poll2 (ko) (let ((result (with-slots (kq) q (without-interrupts (%kevent kq NIL ko))))) (when result (let ((type (kevent-filter result))) (ecase type (0 (values)) (#.$kevent-read-filter (values :read (kevent-rref result :ident) (kevent-rref result :flags) (kevent-rref result :fflags) (kevent-rref result :data) (kevent-rref result :udata))) (#.$kevent-write-filter :write) (#.$kevent-aio-filter :aio) (#.$kevent-vnode-filter (values :vnode (cdr (assoc (kevent-rref result :ident) (slot-value q 'fds))) (kevent-rref result :flags) (kevent-rref result :fflags) (kevent-rref result :data) (kevent-rref result :udata))) (#.$kevent-filesystem-filter :filesystem))))))) (ecase *kevent-record* (:kevent64 (rlet ((ko :kevent64 :ident 0 :filter 0 :flags 0 :fflags 0 :data 0 :udata (%null-ptr))) (kqueue-poll2 ko))) (:kevent32 (rlet ((ko :kevent32 :ident 0 :filter 0 :flags 0 :fflags 0 :data 0 :udata (%null-ptr))) (kqueue-poll2 ko)))))) (defmethod kqueue-subscribe ((q kqueue) &key ident filter (flags 0) (fflags 0) (data 0) (udata (%null-ptr))) (let ((ke (make-kevent :ident ident :filter filter :flags flags :fflags fflags :data data :udata udata))) (with-slots (kq) q (without-interrupts (%kevent kq ke))))) (defmethod kqueue-vnode-subscribe ((q kqueue) pathname) "Makes the queue report an event when there is a change to a directory or file" (let* ((namestring (posix-namestring (full-pathname pathname))) (fd (system-open namestring))) (with-slots (fds) q (push (cons fd pathname) fds)) (kqueue-subscribe q :ident fd :filter $kevent-vnode-filter :flags (logior $kevent-add $kevent-clear) :fflags $kevent-file-all) namestring)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #+test (defun kevent-d (pathname &optional (*standard-output* (fred))) "Report changes to a file or directory" (loop with kqueue = (make-instance 'kqueue) with sub = (kqueue-vnode-subscribe kqueue pathname) for i from 1 to 60 for result = (multiple-value-list (kqueue-poll kqueue)) unless (equal result '(NIL)) do (progn (format T "~A~%" result) (force-output)) ; do (process-allow-schedule) do (sleep 1) finally (write-line "Done") )) #| ; Report changes to this file in a fred window (save this document to see what happens): (process-run-function "kevent-d" #'kevent-d *loading-file-source-file* (fred)) ; Reports files added or removed from the directory of this file: (process-run-function "kevent-d" #'kevent-d (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory *loading-file-source-file*)) (fred)) |# \ No newline at end of file