Loading usocket with asdf enters the debugger when it tries compiling get-host-name-internal in clisp.lisp. Adding :language and :library seem to solve the problem. Attached is a patch which implements that.
I'm using the Linux clisp binary for 2.41 from clisp.sf.net, and Ubuntu 7.04. Note: /lib/libc.so.6 is probably wrong for other unixes.
[3]> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :usocket) ; loading system definition from usocket.asd into #<PACKAGE ASDF0> ; registering #<SYSTEM USOCKET #x203DADB6> as USOCKET ; loading system definition from /home/mkennedy/lispy-all-0.3/split-sequence-2002-04-10/split-sequence.asd into #<PACKAGE ASDF0> ; registering #<SYSTEM :SPLIT-SEQUENCE #x203F6366> as SPLIT-SEQUENCE WARNING: (FFI:DEF-CALL-OUT GET-HOST-NAME-INTERNAL (:NAME "gethostname") (:ARGUMENTS (NAME (FFI:C-PTR (FFI:C-ARRAY-MAX CHARACTER 256)) :OUT :ALLOCA) (LEN FFI:INT)) (:RETURN-TYPE FFI:INT)) : No :LANGUAGE argument and no FFI:DEFAULT-FOREIGN-LANGUAGE form in this compilation unit; :STDC assumed now and for the rest of this unit WARNING: COMPILE-FILE warned while performing #<COMPILE-OP NIL #x203C61CE> on #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "clisp" #x203C537E>. WARNING: (FFI:DEF-CALL-OUT GET-HOST-NAME-INTERNAL (:NAME "gethostname") (:ARGUMENTS (NAME (FFI:C-PTR (FFI:C-ARRAY-MAX CHARACTER 256)) :OUT :ALLOCA) (LEN FFI:INT)) (:RETURN-TYPE FFI:INT)) : No :LANGUAGE argument and no FFI:DEFAULT-FOREIGN-LANGUAGE form in this compilation unit; :STDC assumed now and for the rest of this unit ** - Continuable Error FFI::FIND-FOREIGN-FUNCTION: foreign function "gethostname" does not exist If you continue (by typing 'continue'): Skip foreign function creation The following restarts are also available: SKIP :R1 skip 9 16 (FFI:DEF-CALL-OUT GET-HOST-NAME-INTERNAL (:NAME "gethostname") ...)-2 STOP :R2 stop loading file /home/mkennedy/tmp/usocket-0.3.4/backend/clisp.fas RETRY :R3 Retry performing #<ASDF:LOAD-OP NIL #x203C417E> on #<ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE "clisp" #x203C537E>. ACCEPT :R4 Continue, treating #<ASDF:LOAD-OP NIL #x203C417E> on #<ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE "clisp" #x203C537E> as having been successful. ABORT :R5 ABORT Break 1 USOCKET[4]> (lisp-implementation-version) "2.41 (2006-10-13) (built on localhost.localdomain [])" Break 1 USOCKET[4]>