On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 12:37:37AM +0200, Leslie P. Polzer wrote:
Does it work if you put this:
(ffi:default-foreign-language :stdc) (ffi:default-foreign-library "libc.so.6") ;; or whatever your libc is
into your ~/.clisprc ?
If this doesn't help, try adding
#+unix (:library "libc.so.6") ;; or darwin if you need it
in backend/clisp.lisp, right below:
(FFI:DEF-CALL-OUT get-host-name-internal (:name "gethostname") (:arguments (name (FFI:C-PTR (FFI:C-ARRAY-MAX ffi:character 256)) :OUT :ALLOCA) (len ffi:int)) #+win32 (:library "WS2_32")
I used #+macos (:library "libc.dylib") and it did the trick, thanks. I think a similar trick may be needed on non-Mac Unixes.