10 Apr
10 Apr
3:02 p.m.
10.04.2011, 18:39, "Chun Tian (binghe)" <binghe.lisp@gmail.com>:
believe this also closed another open issue reported by other users on Hunchentoot mailing list, in which they have to disable the use of READY-ONLY argument when calling WAIT-FOR-INPUT.
Dos the form of the argument passed to the CLISP function socket:socket-status depend on the usocket parameter READ-ONLY? (the variable REQUEST-LIST in the WAIT-FOR-INPUT-INTERNAL
(do* ((x (pop sockets) (pop sockets)) (y (cdr (pop status-list)) (cdr (pop status-list)))) ; <- fixed here ((null x)) (when (member y '(T :INPUT)) ; <- and here (setf (state x) :READ)))