Seems you have merged the new-wfi branch, I'll test these new trunk code soon.
That would be great! Note that it may not work with datagram sockets on all implementations yet.
After some small fixes (all of them are sent to this list), new WFI function works *well* with datagram sockets. Just no different from my current view (I didn't wait multiple sockets in my package yet)
Can I ask, when will you make the first 0.4.x release? Is there still anything to do?
Yes: Hans Huebner committed to his branch a number of enhancements required by BKNR or ITA (presumably the latter). I'd like to merge a number of them.
If - in the mean time - I can address binding the local interface - as requested by Chris - I'd be happy to merge that too. I hope to get usocket released in 2 to 4 weeks. Because in between now and 4 weeks there's also my holidays, it looks more like in 4 weeks as it stands now.
OK. I just hope it can release as you plan. Once usocket-0.4.x can be installed through ASDF-INSTALL, my packages (ASN.1, SNMP, ...) will also can be installed quite easily through ASDF-INSTALL:)
For CMUCL binding local interface support, I think my patch to CMUCL only have chance to be merged from next CMUCL release (19f), so you should make a judgement: whether to support current version of cmucl. If you choose to support it, then you should put my loadable patch directly into backend/cmucl.lisp, prefixed with this:
#+(or cmu18 cmu19a cmu19b cmu19c cmu19d cmu19e)
As always: if you - or anyone else - have test results (even succesfull ones) please send them to the list: I could really use the feedback (especially with a release coming up).
Just curious, it there any one testing the #+(and LispWorks win32) platform? Last time I check the WAIT-FOR-INPUT in 0.4.x branch, it's very broken, completely cannot work. (I'll check the 0.4.x again to confirm this)