The constant +max-datagram-packet-size+ is defined in usocket.lisp, line 14:
(defconstant +max-datagram-packet-size+ 65536)
I didn't export the symbol +MAX-DATAGRAM-PACKET-SIZE+ because it's a constant and hard limit of UDP implementation. Users don't need to change it's value, instead, there're extra keyword arguments in API functions when user want to set maximum packet sizes.
I'm not trying to imply that users would want to change this value, since it is a system constant, but that users might want to use it as a parameter to length in socket-receive as usocket throws an error if both buffer and length are nil. Or you might just want this to be the default (when they are both nil).
Really? Then it's a bug, I'll investigate and fix it.
Thanks for pointing out this.
Thanks for answering my questions.
-- Elliott Slaughter
"Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to predict the future is to invent it." - Alan Kay