I've just started using usocket, and it is very nice. The first thing I did was to write a couple of helper macros for server-side socket handling, and I thought they might be worth including in the library:
(defmacro with-listener (socket-specs &rest body) "Listen for connections and clean up when done." (destructuring-bind (socket-var &rest socket-options) socket-specs (let ((var-name (gensym))) `(let* ((,var-name (socket-listen ,@socket-options)) (,socket-var ,var-name)) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (socket-close ,var-name))))))
(defmacro with-client-stream (socket-specs &rest body) "Work with a client socket stream and clean up when done." (destructuring-bind (stream-var listener-var &rest socket-options) socket-specs (let ((var-name (gensym))) `(let* ((,var-name (socket-accept ,listener-var ,@socket-options)) (,stream-var (socket-stream ,var-name))) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (socket-close ,var-name))))))
They let you easily get started listening for connections and working with connected clients (partly because all you see are the listener socket and a stream for each client). e.g.
(defun handle-one-request () (with-listener (listener "" 40389) (with-client-stream (stream listener) (handle-request stream))))