2011/3/28 Chun Tian (binghe) <binghe.lisp@gmail.com>:
Well, I think maybe the two projects (USOCKET and SBCL) didn't collaborate quite well in past years. USOCKET authors (at least me) want to support as most versions of SBCL as possible. This means, if we ask SBCL to add all necessary support to make things on usocket side become trivial, then we will loose support for older SBCL versions. Sometimes we have to do some dirty work (all around SBCL backend code) to detect if a "feature" exist in a SBCL version...
While you can try to support as many versions as possible, by using eg. SB-UNIX:FAST-SELECT you're virtually guaranteeing that at some unspecified date an SBCL update will break usocket. (Sooner or later SB-UNIX:SELECT will probably go away and be SB-UNIX:FAST-SELECT will be renamed SB-UNIX:SELECT. For that matter, because SB-UNIX is one of the more common causes of "things break due to an SBCL update because someone used undocumented internals", we might rename the whole package something less tempting. Of course it's unrealistic for usocket to stop using stuff it has grown up using tomorrow... but I think trying to support old SBCL versions indefinitely in future usocket releases is a failing strategy. The manpower to take write and maintain the different versions just isn't there. I would suggested that usocket should happily use as new SBCL versions as it wants, and tells users of older SBCL versions to either update SBCL not update usocket... (Or donate their time or money to maintain the temporal portability if they really must be able to use new usocket releases with old SBCL versions.) As for what SBCL can do to support usocket better: Generally speaking, if you tell us that you need X, and X is either impossible or irritating to write using supported interfaces, we can either provide you with a supported X or support necessary lower-level interfaces. X can be anything, but generally it is easier to expose low-level functionality that gives you more rope than trying to get a high-level interface right the first time. If X is "a better networking substrate" ... it's going to take a while. :) Easier things can happen very quickly, more specific ones are typically easier. Cheers, -- Nikodemus