Committed as r514. Thanks very much.
Your idea on using a lock is also useful for some other CLs, I think.
在 2010-1-7,01:13, Terje Norderhaug 写道:
Below is an upgrade to the usocket MCL backend that allows a socket server to be shared between multiple processes. It adds a lock so only one process at a time polls for an established connection for the socket.
(defclass passive-socket (socket) ((streams :accessor socket-streams :type list :initform NIL :documentation "Circular list of streams with first element the next to open") (reuse-address :reader reuse-address :initarg :reuse-address) (lock :reader socket-lock :initform (ccl:make-lock "Socket"))))
(defmethod socket-accept ((socket passive-socket) &key element-type &aux (lock (socket-lock socket))) (flet ((connection-established-p (stream) (ccl::with-io-buffer-locked ((ccl::stream-io-buffer stream nil)) (let ((state (ccl::opentransport-stream-connection-state stream))) (not (eq :unbnd state)))))) (with-mapped-conditions () (ccl:with-lock-grabbed (lock nil "Socket Lock") (let ((connection (shiftf (car (socket-streams socket)) (socket-open-listener socket element-type)))) (pop (socket-streams socket)) (ccl:process-wait "Accepting" #'connection-established-p connection) connection)))))
-- Terje Norderhaug