I already ran make in the ncurses-cffi directory, but it seems that it's not the point...
running make i get the ncurses.lisp and ncurses-cffi.lisp files, but loading with asdf
says that thing anyway... I also tried to compile the lisp files manually, and reload
with asdf but I just get the same error. Is it possible that it's a problem with
common lisp controller?
On 22/10/06, Alessandro Piras <laynor@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, i was trying to have a test run of vial, but when i load it with
> (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'vial)
> it says
> debugger invoked on a SB-INT:SIMPLE-FILE-ERROR in thread #<THREAD "initial
> thread" {A820561}>: The path
> #P"/var/cache/common-lisp-controller/1000/sbcl/local/home/ale/src/vial/ncurses-cffi/ncurses.fasl"
> does not exist.
> I actually don't know what to do, should i manually compile
> ncurses.lisp
> file (the output of swig) and copy it to the that path?
> I guess there's a
> better way to do it, but don't know how :)
Hi Alessandro, please feel free to mail to the vial mailing list. If
you have SWIG you can just run 'make' from the cffi directory.
Or you can do another "darcs get", I've checked that file in - it
should have been there from the start.