Paolo Amoroso <amoroso(a)> writes:
> Yes, this is most probably likely to cause a failure at my
> end. There's no account amoroso-owner.
Some MTAs (Exim, at least) will just pass on <account>-<whatever> to
<account>. I use erik-<company> when I subscribe to some
company's website. That way I can 1) track where my spam originated and
2) redirect erik-<company> to sales@<company>.com so they get
their own spam.
> I'm puzzled: just minutes before trying with `announcements', I was
> able to subscribe to `admin' just fine using the address
> amoroso(a)
There must be something fishy going on. I don't have the time to look
closer into this right now so I've gone ahead and subscribed you
manually (did you get the confirmation?). Hopefully this won't happen
again but if it does I'll obviously have to schedule some time to track
this down.
Thanks for your patients,