I just read the FAQ. However it appears that shell.cl.net is running a normal web server on port 80 and nothing on port 443. I expected sshd on both, according to the FAQ.
Jörg Höhle.
I'd like to contribute to the cl-wdim, computed-class, defclass-star
Please add a new account for me to the project members.
I attached my gpg public key.
Tamas Borbely
I would like to finally start a first project....
Name: gecol
License: BSD-style
Provinding CFFI bindings for http://www.gecode.org/.
My key is already here :)
I hereby apply to have FTD - the Flexi Trivial Dired - hosted as a
project on common-lisp.net.
FTD is described here: http://common-lisp.net/~dmurray/ftd.html
It is MIT licensed.
Troels Henriksen is the other project member. You have our GPG keys (;
The 'consensus' is that the project should be managed with Darcs.
David Murray
Hi folks,
I've started a project for representing biological sequences called
cl-bio. Perhaps one day this package will have a reasonable subset of
the functionality in the BioPerl project (not the lispy naming
analogy, I like to think cl-bio is a more appropriate name than the
(taken) BioLisp name), but for the moment it allows for flexible and
efficient representation of biological sequences such as DNA , RNA
and protein sequences and for working with ranges on these sequences
and identifiers to name the sequences. I think this would make a good
project for common-lisp.net.
Could you please give commit privileges to Cyrus Harmon on the
Flexichain project?
Thanks in advance,
Robert Strandh
Greenspun's Tenth Rule of Programming: any sufficiently complicated C
or Fortran program contains an ad hoc informally-specified bug-ridden
slow implementation of half of Common Lisp.
Hi common-lisp.net folks,
I think we've started to go down this road before but never finished
it. I'd like an account so that I can work on the flexichain (and
possibly other) project. What do I need to do to get an account?