>From #lisp today:
beach kire: hello, did you fix my permission problem with the
flexichain project?
kire beach, rings a bell, i think so. what was the problem?
beach kire: I had minion give you a memo. I get some permission
denied message when I try to commit.
beach kire: I'll try again before bothering you some more. Hold on...
kire wait.
kire beach, rstrandh, right?
beach kire: yes
beach cvs [commit aborted]: could not open lock file
`/project/flexichain/cvsroot/flexichain/,flexirank.lisp,': Permission
kire beach, you're not in the group, never was by the looks of it. i
take it this is an oversight of me because it looks like richard meant
for you to have access to it (looks like you requested the project
through him, sortof) am i making sense?
beach yes, that's right