I'm setting up to publish/publicize my project.
I would like the mailing-list name Heresy-devel if possible.
It's listed on cl-user.net as Heresy - haskellesque functional tools, owned
by MattL
The doc page for my library can be seen at:
Sorry if I seem a bit clueless in setting this all up; but I think the
library's good :-)
Could Peter Hildebrandt be added as a project member of cells-gtk? He
will send you his gpg public key.
Peter, more information about common-lisp.net administration is on
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Re: [cells-gtk-devel] Patch for "cells-tree-view" (the result
of the family-observer discussion)
Date: Thursday 20 December 2007 19:32
From: "Peter Hildebrandt" <peter.hildebrandt(a)gmail.com>
To: "Peter Denno" <peter.denno(a)nist.gov>
Cc: "cells-gtk-devel(a)common-lisp.net"
On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 00:16:16 +0100, Peter Denno
> On Thursday 20 December 2007 14:33, Peter Hildebrandt wrote:
>> Since my previous patch (adding threading to cells-gtk) is still
>> pending (Peter?),
> I'm still buried in work. Seeing what great work you are doing,
> perhaps you would like CVS access to the repository.
That'd be great, I feel honored :)
Best regards,
- Peter
Peter Denno
National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Manufacturing System Integration Division,
100 Bureau Drive, Mail Stop 8263 Tel: +1 301-975-3595
Gaithersburg, MD, USA 20899-8263 FAX: +1 301-975-4694
Hi Andrea,
I think that "Common Lisp Action Web" is a great expansion. The key
below isn't the key I need, my apologies if I described it
incorrectly. What we need is a key that looks like the one at http://www.metabang.com/public-key-gwking.html
. It's been so long since I made that key that I no longer recall
exactly how I generated it <sad face>. Please let me know if you have
any questions and I'll try to figure out the answers (Drew, can you
refresh my memory on this?!)
Also, what username would you like to have on common-lisp.net?
On Jan 11, 2008, at 9:59 AM, Andrea Chiumenti wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Gray,
> For the license I would vote for Expansion name "CommonLisp Action
> Web" since Aero reminds me Windows, a toy that I've removedfrom all my
> pc (what do you think about it ?).
> This morning I've created the logo with inkscape.
> For the license I'd choose for the BSD license since it is themore
> similar to the Apache one (sorry, but I have a very strong
> javabackground).
> Then I will have to append the license to all the src files.
> Meanwhile I continue to write the manual (texinfo), and add some minor
> featurre/correct bugs.
> I think it will take some time to make it really usable.
> Ciao,
> kiuma
> This is my pgp public key,
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: http://firegpg.tuxfamily.org
> O3XGHp6purikae4NzucqIfE=
> =SbMy
Gary Warren King, metabang.com
Cell: (413) 559 8738
Fax: (206) 338-4052
gwkkwg on Skype * garethsan on AIM
Hello lispers,
I'd like to publish the project I'm working on, that will be released with a
BSD like license
CL-WebObjects is a comprehensive web application framework for the Common
Lisp programming language. CL-WebObjects is based on components, highly
reusable building blocks the make easy and fast the creation of a web
application. By using and creating new components, the developer can create
robust and consistent web application with the minimal effort.
The main aim of CL-WebObjects is `divide et impera', that means that
dividing problems into small problems let programmers work on different part
of an application, creating ad hoc components for both generic and specific
CL-WebObjects can easily handle all the request cycle,letting you to
concentrate only in application business side problems, letting
CL-WebObjects automatically manage all the mechanism of the web layer, such
as form submission and user interactions.
CL-WebObjects comes integrated with the dojotoolkit, giving you the
possibility to easily and quickly create full WEB 2.0 eye candy application,
with powerful and very user friendly UI.
I'd like to have both svn and trac system.
But before releasing it, I'd appreciate if you could tell me if there are
any legal issue with the name of the project (CL-WebObjects) since
WebObjects is an Apple web framework (see
Andrea Chiumenti
Hi Dario,
I'd be happy to reset your account password but it appears that the
GPG key we have for you is no longer valid. The key id of 7AB23B70
isn't on any of the public keyservers I've checked. If you send me a
new GPG public key, then I will reset your password.
On Jan 8, 2008, at 2:34 AM, Dario Lah wrote:
> Hi Garz,
> I would if I new my login info, I didn't use it for a while and I
> lost it, sorry.
> What is procedure for changing pwd?
> Br, Dario
> 2008/1/7, Gary King < gwking(a)metabang.com>:
> Hi Dario,
> Can you update the project webpage with this information?
> thanks,
> On Jan 3, 2008, at 11:09 AM, Dario Lah wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I've maintained cl-fltk but for a long time I'm not working on it. I
> > don't have time to continue with it so..you can declare ti
> > unmaintened or something.
> >
> > Br, Dario
> > _______________________________________________
> > admin mailing list
> > admin(a)common-lisp.net
> > http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/admin
> --
> Gary Warren King, metabang.com
> Cell: (413) 559 8738
> Fax: (206) 338-4052
> gwkkwg on Skype * garethsan on AIM
Gary Warren King, metabang.com
Cell: (413) 559 8738
Fax: (206) 338-4052
gwkkwg on Skype * garethsan on AIM
You likely know this already, but it appears that trac.common-lisp.net is
having issues. I receive a 502 Proxy Error when I attempt to access it.
Nick Dimiduk
Hash: SHA1
I'd like to have my project hosted at common-lisp.net. It is called
'caleb', and it is Yet Another call/cc Implementation -- I did not have
any goal in mind when I started it, other than finding out how complete
can a call/cc implementation in Lisp can be, and some resume building.
By now, it mostly works (on LispWorks 4.4, at least...) -- although I
would never use it in production, I have more than a hundred working
test cases. Also, I cannot promise that I will be able to develop the
project further due to (as usual) lack of time. By putting this up to
common-lisp.net I hope that
A. I will be able to show it off to prospective employer, should I need
to look for a job
B. Someone else finds this useful and starts to use it
If you'd like, you can check out the source code at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org