At the moment, the test suite by pfdietz is copied into a number of
different tries of CL implementations (including ECL and CCL). I want
to use the test suite for ABCL conformance testing too.
Having a centralized copy - instead of several forked ones - seems to
have more value; making it possible to create a shared effort.
Would you please create this project on common-lisp.net for me?
Thanks in advance,
PS: I forgot to mention my clnet user with my last request too; it's ehuelsmann
I have lately been learning git and recently converted the repository
for my project GSLL to git, including stitching together history that
was broken in the process of transferring my svn repository from my
private server to cl.net. I have put this on /project/gsll/git. It
works fine for me (via ssh to cl.net) but I notice that the git:
protocol for read-only access to the repository does not work,
git clone git://common-lisp.net/project/gsll/git gsll
Initialized empty Git repository in /…
[View More]tmp/gsll/.git/
common-lisp.net[0:]: errno=Connection refused
fatal: unable to connect a socket (Connection refused)
Would it be possible to enable git so that everyone can use it?
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When I tried to add the project cltcl using the handle clTcl, I get
this error:
clnet:/custom/bin# ./add-project.sh cltcl pgriffioen clTcl
Creating project cltcl, using handle clTcl in 5 seconds.
addgroup: Please enter a username matching the regular expression
via the name_regex configuration variable. Use the `--force-badname'
option to relax this check or reconfigure name_regex.
adduser: The group `clTcl' does not exist.
chown: `pgriffioen.clTcl': invalid group
mkdir: failed …
[View More]with 1
Is this expected or is something wonky somewhere?
Gary Warren King, metabang.com
Cell: (413) 559 8738
Fax: (206) 338-4052
gwkkwg on Skype * garethsan on AIM
[View Less]
I've written a Common Lisp package I would like to host on
The package is called clTcl and it provides an interface to Wish's GUI
libraries via Tcl/Tk scripts embedded in Common Lisp. See the
description below for more details.
Would you consider hosting my package? I plan to release the code with
an Mit license. My gpg fingerprint is:
pub 1024D/0D08D694 2008-08-01
Key fingerprint = D560 66CA 8555 6B15 A02E 3695 B03B 3639 0D08
uid Paul …
[View More]Richard Griffioen (PRG)
sub 2048g/CD27B98E 2008-08-01
Below is some text I wrote for the readme file. I hope it explains what
clTcl is.
Kind regards,
Paul Griffioen
What does the clTcl package do?
Package clTcl provides an interface to Wish's GUI libraries via Tcl/Tk
scripts embedded in Common Lisp.
Functions are provided to launch the Wish interpreter and set up a
stream for communication. Embedded Tcl/Tk scripts are read as lists of
Common Lisp strings. Synchronous communication is provided to send
these strings to Wish for interpretation.
What is in the clTcl package?
A general reader function takes advantage of Tcl's uniform syntax and
eases handling of Tcl scripts and values. Tcl scripts and values are
strings but possibly with some list structure encoded. The reader
follows Tcl's syntax rules, takes care of proper escaping and outputs
one or more Common Lisp strings. This is used when reading Tcl scripts
embedded in Common Lisp sources and when converting between Tcl lists
and Lisp lists during communication with Wish.
A thin compatibility layer sets up a stream to a Wish
interpreter. Starting the Wish interpreter is the only implementation
dependent part of the clTcl package. This layer takes care of that and
provides functions to read and write to the stream. Parts of this
layer are copied from the lisp2wish package.
A primitive communication protocol on top of the compatibility layer
synchronizes the control flow between Wish and Lisp. A blocking
callback mechanism is added to initiate Lisp functions from the
GUI. Errors on Wish's side are read and thrown at the Lisp side.
What are clTcl's benefits?
- Cross-platform GUI programming. Common Lisp and Wish both run on
many systems.
- Copy code snippets directly into your code. Many Tcl/Tk scripts are
available and can be used without any modification.
- Easy to use and adapt. The small code size (around 0.5 KLOC) makes
it easy to embrace and extend the package.
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did someone reinstall darcs recently? some time ago there was a
workaround set up for pre 2.0 darcs. the binary was replaced with a
script that sets umask before calling darcs. see the file darcs-script
and darcs-bin below... they are the traces of the old setup.
alendvai@clnet:~/dwim/public_html/darcs/eseho$ ll /usr/bin/darcs*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2487276 Feb 12 2005 /usr/bin/darcs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2487276 Feb 12 2005 /usr/bin/darcs-bin
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 45 Jul 6 …
[View More]2006 /usr/bin/darcs-script
/usr/bin/darcs was a symlink pointing to /usr/bin/darcs-script, but
not anymore. any thoughts?
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Hi there. I am the project admin for
common-lisp.net/project/graphic-forms. I currently
have a spam from a non-subscriber sitting in the moderator queues for both
graphic-forms-announce and graphic-forms-devel, and I recently discovered that
my admin passwords for those lists are no longer accepted. And it appears that
my -cvs list password is not accepted either.
Ideally, I would like to have those passwords reset. But it would be fine in the
short term if a kind admin would just dump those …
[View More]two queued messages, so that
I don't get the nag email every day.
My common-lisp.net username is 'junrue'.
Jack Unrue
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