On Sat, Nov 08, 2003 at 10:32:55AM -0500, Kenny Tilton wrote:
I can tell you already that I will continue the open thing only if others vote for it with their support. It is too much trouble otherwise.
I'm not sure what you mean by support... if you mean "people rushing in to actively write code", I doubt you'll ever be overwhelmed. But as for getting users who may occasionally send bug-reports or submit their hacks, I think you're of to a good start: Looking at http://common-lisp.net/stats/ I see 98 hits on the Cells homepage already. ;)
If resources are scarce you might want to evict inactive projects (I'll let you know if I pull the plug, btw.) Over on SourceForge I think there are tons of projects that never got further than being created (mine included until recently).
Since disks are cheap, I hope we never have to face such a decision. I'd rather hope that Common-lisp.net CVS would in ten years time be analogous to the CMU AI repository now: some of the stuff may be old, but a lot of it is still damn good.
It is interesting to see selectivity (by the admins) even being considered. You'd have to update the mission statement to "open source boutique" or something.
Not unique really. Consider http://www.tigris.org. The problem I see with the Tigris approach is that it's really hard to predict what will succeed on the long term. That's why I like our current approach of keeping the barrier of entry to CL net fairly low. OTOH, I do hope that the requirement to send email without the guide provided by prefilled forms like sf.net and savannah provide serves to pre-filter the truly low end of the code-pool. (Yes, I deserve to be flamed for talking like this.)
POI: "stunting each other"? You mean Cells is hurt by the Cello thing, in that one gets the idea they are inseparable?
Stunting each other as in: * There are probably people who are eager to hack on CL GUI thing that is a) unique to CL, b) not CLIM. These people, however are not necessarily (at least initially) the least interested in Cells. * There are probably people who are eager to experiment with the dataflow paradigm and Cells, but don't give a damn about GUI's, and don't want to follow mailing lists that talk about them. Dunno. I'm probably just paranoid.
1) An experimental CLIM-like system based on Cells instead of CLOS.
? Cells extend CLOS (and defstructs are on the way). Cello is all CLOS all the time.
<handwaving>I ment Cells as a sort of superset of CLOS, or something like that. To paraphrase KMP: as CLIM uses the power of CLOS to "bend the space-time" I suspect Cello uses the power of Cells.</>
God, I'd love a cl-opengl, tho I have enough bindings done to keep me happy for a while. But I ducked the scary ones. :)
Heh. There seem to be plenty of cl-opengl bindings going around. I'm sort of hoping that one of them decides to use a public CVS (cl.net, sf, whatever) and a MIT/X/BSD style license. ;) Cheers, -- Nikodemus