My Full name: Steven Shi An description of project: A richly featured raytracer written in mostly (if not completely) in Common LISP. It's mainly meant to be an example of a well optimized LISP project. I would also like for it to be a well-written raytracer with lots of advanced features, that hopefully others can use to learn (about raytracing and about optimizing LISP) and extend upon. Here's an example render from it: http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~stevenan/14.jpgRight now it's slow and modestly featured, so I am enlisting help from others to improve it. I know GRT was another raytracer in LISP, but that project seems to have been abandoned. I'm using none of their code (I didn't know about it until later) - starting afresh. No other members yet, so far it's just me. But, I am talking to two others who have expressed interest. Name of project: Spray (for liSPRAYtracer) Under GPL license. Thanks! --Steven An