Quoting Kenny Tilton <ktilton@nyc.rr.com>:
One project, then? :)
You're probably right that "oh, sorry, that would be a Cells question"-situations would arrise, so I'm with you, one project until you've got enough userbase that there is a problem of having just one project. That aside, you say that having this opened up like this will only continue as long as people use/support it and that hadn't it been for that fact, having it open would've been to much work. For me, having my projects on common-lisp.net where they are backed up, on high-quality SCSI harddrives, where I have FTP/web/ViewCVS/CVS/AnonCVS/NNTP/Mailings support without having to deal with any of that myself is far more convenient than having my software on my home box where a) noone else can get to it so I become the bottleneck and b) backups aren't that great. I also use XEmacs with its CVS support so I wouldn't have notice whether my code was on my local box or not in any case. You really want to check out http://www.cs.utk.edu/~england/ssh.html to make sure you can do password-less operations on your CVS tree. common-lisp.net is supposed to be of real value to CL developers and the CL community. If you can identify issues which make it a hassle, I (and I'm sure the other guys) would be very greatful for any advice you can give us so we can avoid those in the future. Erik.