8 Nov
8 Nov
9:18 p.m.
Kenny Tilton writes:
"Should Common-lisp.net host multiple projects with greatly overlapping objectives?"
I have zero problem with doing all this under one project (I'd just have separate bundles/directories/whatever for Cells and Cello) and it might even be a lot more manageable that way until/if one or the other catches on. I can see myself over on a Cello list saying, "Oh, that's a Cells question, let's take it to cells-devel so folks there can see it". Ugh, sounds awful. :)
One project, then? :)
I agree with this approach, since I may eventually end up making some sub-projects based on CLHP, if they are closely related, it might be better to keep them in a single project. -- (incf *yankees-world-series-losses*)