I often try to support Allegro's modern mode by doing things like
(format-symbol t "~A-~A" :foo :bar).
We just came across an issue on #quicklisp where a user had set his
*PRINT-CASE* to :DOWNCASE and that caused FORMAT-SYMBOL to intern
lower-case symbols, thus breaking the idiom I described.
Should fix my code to use SYMBOLICATE instead or should FORMAT-SYMBOL
Any opinions?
Luís Oliveira
Dear alexandria developers,
please the documentation fix and new functions in the two most recent
commits in
for inclusion. Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
Hello all.
I've been trying to speed up BINOMIAL-COEFFICIENT for combinatorial
calculations and ended up writing my own functions which were
originally based off of Alexandria's design. For computing the
binomial coefficient of (10^11, 10^5), Alexandria's takes about 9.990
seconds on my 64-bit Windows machine with a relatively recent SBCL
with (optimize speed (safety 0) (debug 0)).
I've ended up writing my own version of %MULTIPLY-RANGE, which I ended
up calling RANGE-PRODUCT, and it's definition is:
(declaim (ftype (function (integer integer) integer) range-product))
(defun range-product (lower upper)
"Compute LOWER * (LOWER+1) * ... * (UPPER-1) * UPPER."
(assert (<= lower upper))
(case (- upper lower)
((0) lower)
((1) (* lower upper))
(otherwise (let ((mid (floor (+ lower upper) 2)))
(* (range-product lower mid)
(range-product (1+ mid) upper))))))
[ from QTILITY:
>From that, the definition of FACTORIAL follows:
(declaim (ftype (function ((integer 0)) (integer 1))
(defun factorial (n)
"Compute the factorial of N, N! = 1 * 2 * ... * N."
(if (zerop n)
(range-product 1 n)))
[ from QTILITY:
Then, I wrote BINOMIAL-COEFFICIENT that uses a closure to direct the
swapping of the K and N-K, instead of mutating them. This seemed to at
least help with SBCL's flow analysis. I also chose not to use
CHECK-TYPE in favor of declarations (which I understand are not the
same, but I think they should attempt to act the same given a
sufficient compiler policy).
(declaim (ftype (function ((integer 0) (integer 0)) (integer 0))
(defun binomial-coefficient (n k)
"Binomial coefficient of N and K."
(assert (>= n k))
(labels ((core (k n-k)
(if (= 1 n-k)
(nth-value 0 (floor (range-product (+ k 1) n)
(factorial n-k))))))
(declare (inline core)
(ftype (function ((integer 0) (integer 0)) (integer 0))
(if (or (zerop k) (= n k))
(let ((n-k (- n k)))
(declare (type (integer 0) n-k))
(if (< k n-k)
(core n-k k)
(core k n-k))))))
[ from QTILITY:
With the code above, I can compute the same binomial coefficient in
about 7.503 seconds, so about a 2.5 second speed up.
I'd like to submit a patch using the code above, but I could see how
these speed ups are both implementation-dependent and
platform-dependent. A particular unfortunate consequence is that we
don't have those tweakable limits which (in theory; as the comments
say) could be computed at compile time.
Any thoughts?
Note to self:
[18:17] <yates> pjb: yes, i did read that
[18:17] <adeht> alexandria:starts-with-subseq is terribly buggy :(
[18:19] * KognizantKog (~user(a) has joined #lisp
[18:20] <yates> pjb: have you read
[18:20] <yates> ?
[18:21] <yates> do you disagree with the definition?
[18:23] * teggi (~teggi(a) has joined #lisp
[18:24] <fe[nl]ix> adeht: how so ?
[18:25] <adeht> fe[nl]ix, for example you'd expect
(starts-with-subseq "foo" "oop" :start1 1) to return true... but (i)
it passes args to mismatch in the reverse order so start1 becomes
start2 and (ii) it compares the result of mismatch to the whole
prefix's length, so returns false
-- Nikodemus