I recently started using abcl 0.22.0 but have run into issues installing packages using asdf-install. Here is an example error message. Does anyone know of a solution to this? CL-USER(7): (asdf-install:install 'hunchentoot) Install where? 1) System-wide install: System in /usr/local/asdf-install/site-systems/ Files in /usr/local/asdf-install/site/ 2) Personal installation: System in /home/raison/.asdf-install-dir/systems/ Files in /home/raison/.asdf-install-dir/site/ 0) Abort installation. --> 2 ;;; ASDF-INSTALL: Downloading 139617 bytes from http://weitz.de/files/hunchentoot.tar.gz to /home/raison/asdf-install-0.asdf-install-tmp ... #<THREAD "interpreter" {4DA42824}>: Debugger invoked on condition of type STREAM-ERROR Input value 0xdc4a is malformed while recoding with charset UTF-8 Restarts: 0: TOP-LEVEL Return to top level. [1] CL-USER(8): 0 CL-USER(9): Thanks! Kevin