25 Feb
25 Feb
6:36 p.m.
On 25 February 2010 19:35, Mark Evenson <evenson@panix.com> wrote:
I wrote the attached utility based on SET-DIFFENCE to parse and report on a simple s-expr based database of test results, and I have also attached the tests results I have collected over the last day. These results now contradict my earlier email, showing: CL-USER> (difference 'compileit 'r12506 '0.18.0) R12506: 34 failures NIL 0.18.0: 35 failures (MAKE-BROADCAST-STREAM.8) NIL CL-USER> (difference 'doit 'r12506 '0.18.0) R12506: 33 failures NIL 0.18.0: 34 failures (MAKE-BROADCAST-STREAM.8)
Looks good. Store this utility somewhere in our source tree, please?