On Dec 20, 2011, at 01:06 , Anton Vodonosov wrote:
I am running tests of some libraries with ABCL (I decided to setup an test environment for CL libraries).
When compiling alexandria tests by (quicklisp:quickload :alexandria-tests) it encounters StackOverflow. I am using the latest quicklisp. I've tried to increase the java stack size by -XX:ThreadStackSize=12048, but it doesn't help.
I can't quite decide if this is the ABCL reader or the compiler, but it is something funky with dealing the "#1=(#1#)" form used by alexandria-tests to exercise the circular tree detection code.
I [filed a bug to track this problem][#191].
[#191]: http://trac.common-lisp.net/armedbear/ticket/191
Thanks for the bug report!