On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 3:25 AM, Mark Evenson <evenson.not.org@gmail.com> wrote:
On Nov 30, 2011, at 01:40 , Blake McBride wrote:
Trying to load a package with ASDF I ran into the following error:
ASDF could not load because Cannot (currently) handle the special form EXTENSIONS:TRULY-THE. #<THREAD "interpreter" {4BC78066}>: Debugger invoked on condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR Cannot (currently) handle the special form TRULY-THE Restarts: ...
I traced the problem to ASDF and not the package I was attempting to load.
Does anyone know anything about this? (I am running the latest SVN head of ABCL)
I've never really understood our TRULY-THE implementation, but this is as good a time as ever.
Searching for the string "(currently)" doesn't seem to show that the error text is sourced anywhere within our source tree, so I would guess that something within the ASDF package you are attempting to load is doing something extra-ordinary.
Any chance you can give a recipe for reproducing this?
blakes-mac:ff blake$ git clone git://github.com/nikodemus/screamer.git Cloning into screamer... remote: Counting objects: 1094, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (436/436), done. remote: Total 1094 (delta 781), reused 959 (delta 650) Receiving objects: 100% (1094/1094), 8.22 MiB | 1.54 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (781/781), done. blakes-mac:ff blake$ cd screamer blakes-mac:screamer blake$ abcl Armed Bear Common Lisp 1.1.0-dev-svn-13699 Java 1.6.0_29 Apple Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM Low-level initialization completed in 0.644 seconds. Startup completed in 1.76 seconds. Type ":help" for a list of available commands. CL-USER(1): (require "asdf") ("MOP" "CLOS" "PRINT-OBJECT" "FORMAT" "ASDF") CL-USER(2): (require :screamer) ; Compiling /Users/blake/NetBeansProjects/Arahant-14497/dist/ff/screamer/package.lisp ... ; (DEFPACKAGE :SCREAMER ...) ; Wrote /Users/blake/.cache/common-lisp/abcl-1.1.0-dev-svn-13699-fasl38-macosx-java/Users/blake/NetBeansProjects/Arahant-14497/dist/ff/screamer/ASDF-TMP-package.abcl (0.295 seconds) ; Compiling /Users/blake/NetBeansProjects/Arahant-14497/dist/ff/screamer/screamer.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :SCREAMER) ; (DECLAIM (DECLARATION MAGIC)) ; (DEFMACRO DEFINE-SCREAMER-PACKAGE ...) ; (DEFINE-SCREAMER-PACKAGE :SCREAMER-USER) ; (DEFMACRO DEFSTRUCT-COMPILE-TIME ...) ; (DEFMACRO DEFVAR-COMPILE-TIME ...) ; (DEFMACRO DEFUN-COMPILE-TIME ...) ; (DEFMACRO DEFMACRO-COMPILE-TIME ...) ; (DEFPARAMETER *SCREAMER-VERSION* ...) ; (DEFVAR-COMPILE-TIME *DYNAMIC-EXTENT?* ...) ; (DEFVAR *ISCREAM?* ...) ; (DEFVAR *NONDETERMINISTIC?* ...) ; (DEFVAR-COMPILE-TIME *SCREAMER?* ...) ; (DEFVAR-COMPILE-TIME *NONDETERMINISTIC-CONTEXT?* ...) ; (DEFVAR-COMPILE-TIME *LOCAL?* ...) ; (DEFVAR-COMPILE-TIME *BLOCK-TAGS* ...) ; (DEFVAR-COMPILE-TIME *TAGBODY-TAGS* ...) ; (DEFVAR *TRAIL* ...) ; (DEFVAR-COMPILE-TIME *FUNCTION-RECORD-TABLE* ...) ; (DEFVAR-COMPILE-TIME *ORDERED-LAMBDA-LIST-KEYWORDS* ...) ; (DEFMACRO-COMPILE-TIME CHOICE-POINT-INTERNAL ...) ; (DEFMACRO-COMPILE-TIME CHOICE-POINT-EXTERNAL ...) ; (DEFMACRO-COMPILE-TIME CHOICE-POINT ...) ; (DEFSTRUCT-COMPILE-TIME FUNCTION-RECORD ...) ; (DEFSTRUCT-COMPILE-TIME (NONDETERMINISTIC-FUNCTION # ...) ...) ; (DEFUN-COMPILE-TIME SCREAMER-ERROR ...) ; (DEFUN-COMPILE-TIME GET-FUNCTION-RECORD ...) ; (DEFUN-COMPILE-TIME PEAL-OFF-DOCUMENTATION-STRING-AND-DECLARATIONS ...) ....... ; (DEFVAR *NAME* ...) ; (DEFVAR *MINIMUM-SHRINK-RATIO* ...) ; (DEFVAR *MAXIMUM-DISCRETIZATION-RANGE* ...) ; (DEFVAR *STRATEGY* ...) ; (DEFSTRUCT-COMPILE-TIME (VARIABLE # ...) ...) ; (DEFUN INTEGERS-BETWEEN ...) ; (DEFUN BOOLEANP ...) ; (DEFUN INFINITY-MIN ...) ; (DEFUN INFINITY-MAX ...) ; (DEFUN INFINITY-+ ...) ; (DEFUN INFINITY-- ...) ; (DEFUN INFINITY-* ...) ; (DEFUN CONTAINS-VARIABLES? ...) ; (DEFUN ELIMINATE-VARIABLES ...) ; (DEFUN PRINT-VARIABLE ...) ; (DEFUN MAKE-VARIABLE ...) ; (DEFUN VARIABLE-INTEGER? ...) ; (DEFUN VARIABLE-NONINTEGER? ...) ; (DEFUN VARIABLE-REAL? ...) ; (DEFUN VARIABLE-NONREAL? ...) ; (DEFUN VARIABLE-NUMBER? ...) ; (DEFUN VARIABLE-NONNUMBER? ...) ; (DEFUN VARIABLE-BOOLEAN? ...) ; (DEFUN VARIABLE-NONBOOLEAN? ...) ; (DEFUN VARIABLE-TRUE? ...) ; (DEFUN VARIABLE-FALSE? ...) ; (DEFUN VALUE-OF ...) ; (DEFUN VARIABLIZE ...) ; (DEFUN BOUND? ...) ; (DEFUN GROUND? ...) ; (DEFUN APPLY-SUBSTITUTION ...) ; (DEFUN OCCURS-IN? ...) ; (DEFUN ATTACH-NOTICER!-INTERNAL ...) ; (DEFUN ATTACH-NOTICER! ...) ; (DEFUN RUN-NOTICERS ...) screamerASDF could not load because Cannot (currently) handle the special form EXTENSIONS:TRULY-THE. #<THREAD "interpreter" {284A85C5}>: Debugger invoked on condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR Cannot (currently) handle the special form TRULY-THE Restarts: 0: RETRY Retry compiling #<ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE "screamer" "screamer">. 1: ACCEPT Continue, treating compiling #<ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE "screamer" "screamer"> as having been successful. 2: TOP-LEVEL Return to top level. [1] SCREAMER(3):