On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 3:19 PM, Carlos Ungil <carlos.ungil@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear ABCL developers,
trying to "compile-file" the following fragment of code using the latest release results in an error "s2 argument 32778 out of 16-bit signed range."
(defmacro many-functions (n) (append '(progn) (loop for i from 1 to n collect `(defun ,(intern (format nil "TEST~A" i)) () (print ,i)))))
(many-functions 1525)
There are no problems with 0.20 (even for much bigger values of the parameter, i.e. bigger output files). I encountered the problem with a file containing several calls to the macro def-java-class in Jfli. It took me some time to discover that splitting the file in two was enough to make the problem go away...
This is not a critical bug (it's usually easy to reorganize the code to ensure the files are small enough), but you might want to look at it.
The bug appears to be caused by the new way functions are loaded to avoid reflection: a big loader function is created that installs all the other functions by instantiating them as Java objects directly in bytecode. Since a function gets compiled to a single method and there's a limit on the size of a method, I believe we're hitting that limit. The obvious solution is to split the big method in many smaller methods (say, one every 1024 functions). I'd say this is a nice occasion to test Erik's new class-file writer! ;) So, stay tuned: I'll try to fix the bug asap. Cheers, and thanks for the report, Alessio