Thanks, Mark.
I don't have a need for this now, but I am *extremely* happy to know that this work has been done.
On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 6:48 AM, Mark Evenson wrote:
A notice for those interested in my recent work in deploying ABCL as a WAR binary artifact of [an update to abcl-servlet][1], which is where I am collecting my ideas on implementation in an open source form.
After locating the ASDF ABCL-SERVLET/BUILD definition, one may
CL-USER> (abcl-servlet/prepare :hunchentoot)
to create necessary packaging of Hunchentoot and its transitive ASDF dependences to [file:hunchentoot/build/web/asdf/][2] for merging into Java Servlet WAR archives.
I’ve got a 100 Mib deployment WAR out of this system that has been running in production for six months now, but comments on how to generalise are welcome.
-- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before but there is nothing to compare to it now."
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