Dear Anton,
now that a new Quicklisp was released, can you run a set of
cl-test-grid against ASDF 3.1.7, 3.2.1 and the candidate 3.3.0 (in the
"plan" branch)?
If you can prioritize, quick results for all these versions of ASDF on
a recent SBCL are more interesting than all results on all platforms.
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics•
An extreme optimist is a man who believes that humanity will probably survive
even if it doesn't take his advice. — John McCarthy
In spite of Faré's resistance to supporting LOGICAL-PATHNAMEs in ASDF, I
would ask for help in using the current capabilities documented for
To wit, I would like to implement my own OUTPUT-TRANSLATIONS for
LOGICAL-PATHNAMES [as is allowed (but discouraged)][1].
I tried to define a (massively inefficient) :BEFORE COMPILE-OP which
replaces all LOGICAL-PATHNAME instances with a call to CL:TRUENAME but
that doesn't seem to work:
(defsystem abcl/build
:version "2.0.0"
:description "Build ABCL from a Lisp. Downloads necessary build-time
tools to local cache."
:in-order-to ((test-op (test-op abcl/build/t)))
:perform (compile-op :before (op c)
(when (typep c 'source-file)
(with-slots (absolute-pathname)
(when (typep absolute-pathname 'logical-pathname)
(setf absolute-pathname
(truename absolute-pathname))))))
:components ((:module package
:pathname #p"SYS:build;"
:components ((:file "package")))
What is the right well to specify my own OUTPUT-TRANSLATIONS mechanism?
The disfavor of LOGICAL-PATHANME references in DEFSYSTEM form is fully
understandable from the observation that there is no conforming way to
ensure that the "right" translations are in place. But, I have come up
with a use case in abcl where LOGICAL-PATHNAMEs would be very useful,
and since it is "my" implementation, I can guarantee that appropiate
translations are in place at runtime. My use case involves locating
source code referenced by ASDF in different locations depending on
whether the source is being actively developed, and is on a writable
filesystem, or whether the source is being loaded from a read-only JVM
source, i.e. a "jar" archive. Using LOGICAL-PATHNAMEs within `abcl.asd`
allows me to configure the runtime behavior quite nicely via suitable
[currently-in-asdf jar translation code on the SOURCE-FILE][2] is all I
need to do here to get a valid output location for COMPILE-OP.
"A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there
is nothing to compare to it now."
Dear Robert, dear Lispers,
I'd like to know what are the release plans will be for 3.3.
My branch for proper phase separation is basically ready to be merged,
but I'd like to see how compatible it is with next month's Quicklisp
before I can recommend releasing it upon the masses.
Note that the branch is called "plan" because it started as a
refactoring how asdf builds its plan, but the changes run deeper than
that — 970 lines were added or modified all over, not counting those
moved around — that's double the number of lines of the original ASDF.
Additional questions: should the syntax-control branch be worked on
for 3.3.0? 3.2.2? 3.3.1? 3.4.0? It's a low-hanging fruit to making
ASDF a more robust build tool that supports working with non-trivial
syntax extension.
PS: Are any (preferrably younger) lispers interested in becoming
proficient at ASDF maintenance? There are plenty of TODO items of all
sizes and all difficulties that could use some love.
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics•
"I'm going to live forever, or die trying!" — Spider Robinson
Starting with a bare lisp image (e.g --no-userinit --no-sysinit for
SBCL), the following signals a "component not found" error:
(load "asdf-2.26.lisp")
;;; or whatever system you want
(push #p"~/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/alexandria-20170227-git/"
(load "asdf-3.2.1.lisp")
(asdf:load-system "alexandria")
The first bad commit is
I hope this wasn't intentional? Ideally an old asdf version would
never get loaded, but practically speaking it sometimes does (e.g. on
LispWorks PE and CLISP). And if that happens, thereafter one is unable
to load a system that requires asdf-3. The above case is a
whittled-down version of a quickloading problem.
[Starting a new thread with different topic, as suggested by Robert.]
On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 3:30 PM, Daniel Kochmański <daniel(a)> wrote:
> Is there any chance for specification of the "core ASDF protocol" -
> subset guaranteed to not change every few years, so one may write today
> systems which will be loadadable in the future?
As far as I can tell, the (API for the) core of ASDF has been
remarkably stable. ASDF still supports many systems written for ASDF 1
in the early 2000s. While the manual is by no means great, especially
as regards documenting the API, it does introduce the main concepts;
and then every function and every class has a docstring, except for a
few internals you're supposed never to use, that only have a comment.
I made a pass over the entire source code last year specifically to
ensure no function was left behind. (If you find a place I failed to
document, please report a bug.)
If there is any part of ASDF that you are struggling to understand,
please discuss what it is, and I can try to document it better.
As to writing systems that will be loadable in the future, I recently
wrote a best practices document to help authors:
It can certainly be improved, but probably will be updated on a need
basis, so please ask questions.
That said, a lot of ugly workarounds were necessary in the bad old
days of ASDF 1 (and to a lesser degree ASDF 2). Many of these
workarounds have been deprecated, and many of them have ceased to
work. Instead, they were replaced by simple portable alternatives that
do not require poking at internals or relying on exponentially bad
A few features were removed (if-component-dep-fails, replaced by
if-feature) or are still being removed (run-shell-command, being
replaced by run-program).
Now, there have been cases where someone did something that relied on
undocumented behavior, and never contacted ASDF maintainers to either
get it documented or replaced by a stable API. And then sometimes,
that code breaks when I refactor and fix ASDF internals. In those
cases, tough nuggies, such code *deserves* to lose. Yet, if it's in
Quicklisp, I will find out the breakage, contact the authors, and
submit a patch or a suggestion on what could be done instead. I've
notably fixed code (such as asdf-system-connections) and .asd files
for countless systems.
The proximate issue that prompted this discussion is that I dropped
the heroic support that ASDF had to properly upgrade from 2.x on some
implementations that were less broken than others (including SBCL).
That support was becoming increasingly costly to maintain and test for
dwindling benefit, when all implementations have distributed ASDF 3
for years now, and ASDF 2.x has long been unsupported (except that
Xach still distributes it in Quicklisp, which is a shame). These
heroics included redefined gf sets, symbols to unintern, u-o-f-r-c
methods, classes for which to break transient inheritance cycles
during upgrade, special variables to filter, etc. (Some of it
explained in Robert's and my 2010 paper.) It is hard enough to
maintain that back to ASDF 3, but back to ASDF 2 after a while proved
too much trouble. Most implementations already resorted to renaming
away the entire ASDF package from ASDF 1 or 2, so as to let ASDF 3
create fresh packages. I recently made that "punting" the rule on all
implementations, even SBCL. This was a great relief for me. If it
breaks someone who somehow tries to upgrade from ASDF 2.26, I say they
deserve to lose.
As to what I guess may have triggered your question, one part of ASDF
that has changed a lot is the bundle support (2012-2017), née asdf-ecl
(2005). It was a pain to transform this cool implementation-specific
hack into a portable infrastructure that truly supports all
implementations, doesn't have quadratic or cubic performance
degradation, and generally well with the ASDF build model rather than
cheats and defeats it. Paradoxically, what started as an ECL-only
extension has had plenty of issues on ECL up until the recent 3.2.1
which I hope solves them all (notably thanks to your input). The final
interface while broadly similar to that of asdf-ecl, also has notable
differences. Mostly, asdf-ecl did cut a lot of corners and made a few
questionable choices. I believe most of these choices were probably
well justified at the time of ASDF 1, when fighting to fix ASDF could
have been deemed a pointless endeavor. But when making asdf/bundle out
of asdf-ecl, I made some deep changes to fix the ASDF build model, at
which point these asdf-ecl choices did not make sense anymore. From
your point of view as ECL maintainer, you might see the result as
breaking compatibility with the old asdf-ecl. From my point of view as
ASDF developer, what I did was restoring compatibility with a newly
fixed ASDF 3 (2013).
Best regards,
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics•
Il n'y a absolument rien à dire de ce qui échappe complètement aux mots.
The utterly unspeakable is utterly irrelevant.
— Faré