@gefjon has proposed ASDF MR
that extends ASDF's package inferred system dependency groveler to
handle SBCL's extension to the set of `defpackage` options, addressing
[Issue #147](https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/asdf/asdf/-/issues/147).
Before merging this, it would be nice to know of other implementations'
extensions to `defpackage`. I'd be obliged if those in the know would
post information about `defpackage` extensions their favored
implementations have added, if any, or let us know if tfi leaves
`defpackage` un-extended.
That would make it quicker to get this fix merged and issued, and would
help the community as a whole.
Feel free to respond by email, or to post your answer in the comments to
the merge request, whichever is most convenient.